The Best Mercury Retrograde Crystals

Two Wander - The Best Mercury Retrograde Crystals

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The Best Stones For Mercury Retrograde

Ahh the infamous Mercury Retrograde, known for its tech mishaps, missed communications, lost items, and general all-round confusion. Despite all this, Mercury Retrograde can actually get a bit of an unwarranted bad rap. This is because what Mercury Retrograde does, as do all Retrogrades, is internalise or highlight the energy of that specific Planet (in this case, the Ancient messenger of the Gods, Mercury rules over all types of communication), and highlight things which are not already working and may need tweaking, whether you consciously or unconsciously already realised this or not.

That relationship that’s not quite right but you can’t seem to let go of? Mercury Retrograde will bring it to a head. Your communication style of expressing your emotions (or lack thereof)? Mercury Retrograde will force you to deal with it. The shoddy system you have of taking care of your important belongings, documents, and digital backups? Mercury Retrograde’s here to give you a rude awakening!

Even if there is nothing inherently off-kilter in your life, this period of Mercury Retrograde can be an excellent time to back up your systems, so to speak, either way. Check in with any inner wounds and trauma that you may be projecting onto your gut reaction responses, take some time to breathe and pause before reacting, invest in a smarter way to keep your records safe. If anything, double-checking all your appointments and reading the fine print before you sign anything is always good practice to have!

Some people are more affected by the Planets’ movements than others. This can come at certain times of your life depending on what you’re personally going through, how energetically sensitive you are, and/or if you have the Planet Mercury or the Sign it is currently transiting through in any significant placements in your Natal Chart (for example, the last Mercury Retrograde from roughly the 31st January - 20th February 2021 was in the Sign of Aquarius). If this relates to you, or you just want some cosmic protection, read on for 7 of the best stones and crystals to mitigate the discombobulating effects a Mercury Retrograde can sometimes have:

Two Wander - The Best Stones For Mercury Retrograde

What Is Mercury Retrograde?

First of all, what exactly is a Retrograde? A Retrograde is simply an optical illusion from our focal point on Earth. All Planets seemingly go Retrograde at some point it’s just that Mercury’s orbit is the fastest so it lasts the least amount of time, making it feel more intense. It’s the same effect as when you’re in a train, or car on the motorway, and overtake another train or car at high speed- it will briefly seem as if that train or car is going backwards, i.e. be in apparent retrograde motion.

The Mercury Retrograde period usually lasts around three weeks and can happen 3 to 4 times a year. There is, however, also a so-called shadow period, or retroshade, for about 2 weeks after Mercury stations direct again where we can still feel like we’re waking up from a nap a bit, but people tend to pay most attention to the exact dates as these are usually felt most strongly.

Mercury is said to rule all types of communication and travel, including verbal and written words, contracts, homework, leases, wills, all modes of transportation and travel schedules. It also governs the way in which communication occurs, so any technology relating to it such as computers, mobiles, electronics, social media etc.

Some people say it’s best not to start new jobs or launch projects during this time, refrain from signing documents, and ensuring your tech insurance is up to date if you have any. It’s also advised to double check any details and be mindful in the way you communicate to others. This is also said to be the time of second chances, whether that be people from your past reappearing or anything else you still need to work through.

Whatever the Mercury Retrograde period means for you, here are some of the most recommended crystals to help support you through it:

Two Wander - What Is Mercury Retrograde?

Top Mercury Retrograde Crystals:

  1. Fluorite

    For me, Fluorite is one of THE go-to crystals to have in your Mercury Retrograde tool box because it’s main properties are that of enabling us to be hyper-focussed and have clear-cut vision. That confusing headspace Mercury Retrogrades can sometimes send us into can be mitigated with the calm, clarity-inducing properties of Fluorite. Keep it on yourself in your bag or pocket throughout the day, wear it as jewellery, or simply keep it next to your laptop as you work for a little bit of a zen caffeine hit.

  2. Black Tourmaline

    This is one of the best grounding and protecting stones out there. Tourmaline helps connect us back to the Earth and feel safe and secure, bringing our head out of the clouds and into the present moment. This is a great crystal to meditate with by placing it on your Root Chakra for extra grounding (check out our guide to the 7 Chakras for more info). Other highly grounding crystals include Hematite and Shungite (which is also a powerful EMF protector)!

  3. Clear Quartz

    The master of healing crystals, Clear Quartz is really a must in any crystal kit. It has the power to amplify energy so is great for using in Sacred Geometry crystal grids or simply next to any other crystals you might have. For more protection in your home throughout the cycle, you can create a crystal grid and leave it up for the duration of the period. Clear Quartz is also said to help with clarity, focus, healing, manifestation, abundance, clearing negative energy, and heightening intuition.

  4. Rose Quartz

    The stone of love, Rose Quartz helps us to open up our hearts and embody loving compassion for both ourselves and others. During what can sometimes be slightly messy times, it’s important to stay in the flow of love and understanding, and remain rooted in our acceptance for what is. Rose Quartz is a beautiful stone to keep in the bedroom or use during a soothing bath ritual to help impart those feelings of unconditional love to all.

  5. Aquamarine

    Aquamarine is touted as one of the best stones for calming anxiety. Helping us to soothe our frayed nerves and come back to centre, Aquamarine can be a useful anchor in chaotic times. Another popular calming stone of healing is Jade. Generally most green crystals, representative of our Heart Chakra and truth, are recommended during this period.

  6. Amazonite

    This is a lovely soothing and supportive stone for speaking clearly and with sincerity straight from the heart. It helps us to get our point across without miscommunication, which is exactly what we need during this time when intention and execution don’t always line up. It’s also great for expressing ourselves with tolerance and confidence.

  7. Agate

    The healing properties of Agate are far and widespread because of the varieties available. On the whole it is a great group of crystals for helping with emotional healing and balance. Blue Lace Agate is particularly good for helping us to gently voice our truths with courage and open up our Throat Chakra. Tree Agate is great for helping us to reconnect with Mother Nature, healing and grounding us with her nourishing support.

For more insight on how to align your life with Nature’s healing helpers, check out our Complete Guidebook To 50 Of The Most Popular Crystals!

So those are the 7 best Mercury Retrograde crystals and stones to help get you through these maybe turbulent times. Overall though Mercury Retrograde is not something to be feared, or go into with the conviction that something will for sure definitely happen (because otherwise you might just manifest that into being!), but rather to seen as a time to slow down, go within, and become a bit more meticulous and deliberate in our actions and words.

For more information, check out the crystals we think everyone should have in their repertoire with our guide to the 13 Best Crystals For Beginners!