The Sun Tarot Guide


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The Sun Tarot Guide

The meaning of the Sun Tarot card is almost as self-explanatory as the name and image suggests! It’s a warm, bright card of success and vitality, an expression of joy and happiness, sense of satisfaction, and inner child healing.

When it comes up for us in a reading, it can be an invitation to look on the sunny side of life and lean into the things that bring us comfort, while celebrating our wins. Read on for more significations, including what it means as a reversal and in a love, career, and general reading:


The Sun Tarot Card Meanings

This lovely Major Arcana card is often as comforting as you would imagine. It is a representation of joy and abundance, of confidence and security. It symbolises success, victory, courage, and vitality. Traditionally, it has maintained much of its meanings, when The Sun shows up for us it is an invitation for embracing joy, abundance, and play!

As the Pamela Colman Smith Tarot deck features a naked child, pure and simple in their joy, it can also be an invitation to lean into our own sense of youthfulness and inner child healing. As they are on a white horse and carrying a red flag, it also symbolises victory and success.

When this card comes to us it can be a reminder of celebrating how far we have come and to revel in our achievement, to take pride in our accomplishments, and embrace our wins (no matter how small). On another level, it can be an invitation to reconnect with your joys, inner child, or even your sense of confidence and solar plexus chakra.

Symbolism of The Sun Tarot Card

Surrounded by sunflowers, obvious symbols of the sun, we are also enclosed in a walled garden in the image. This reminds me that the cultivation of joy, gratitude, contentment, and happiness is a practice- one that with boundaries and structure can flourish.

The red feather on their head is also the same that The Fool wears, a symbol of the cyclical nature and spiralic path of life, a reminder that we are indeed on The Fool’s Journey.

As a “regression” at this point in the journey is a reminder that sometimes we need to go back to go forwards again, and that backtracking isn’t always a failure. We are close to the end of the cycle here in Major Arcana Tarot card number 19, and yet we are invited to revisit our humble beginnings, to look at our journey with fresh eyes and appreciate truly how much we have grown and learnt thus far.

Sometimes when this card shows up for us it can be a message of holding onto hope and optimism, that even on the cloudy days there is always a ray of light to seek out. Following on from The Moon, it is a reflection of this- the notion that the sun always rises, no matter how dark the night.

Before we enter the realm of Judgement and final revisitation of our path before wrapping up in The World, now is a time to simply steep in the golden light that is available to us. To allow ourselves a moment of simple joy and pleasure, of unapologetic ecstasy. As a card of vitality, it can be a reminder to fill our cups up with the practices that feed our health and wellbeing and allow us to access this internal sunshine more easily.

Numerology of The Sun Tarot Card

Numerologically, it correlates to the Wheel of Fortune and The Magician (1+9=10; 1+0=1). In this, we are reminded that the waves of life keep on coming and the wheel keeps on turning- it is important to appreciate the moments of bliss whilst they are here (and remember that they don’t last forever). Correlating to The Magician we are reminded that we have the capacity to manifest our perception of reality, that we get to decided what success means to us, to embrace what brings us joy.

Astrology of The Sun Tarot Card

Astrologically, it is, of course, related to the Sun. As the centre of the solar system, the Sun represents our core sense of self, our ego, and where we can shine. It is a reflection of our vitality and life force energy, and a key component of our Astrological makeup (our “star” Sign).

In this, The Sun Tarot card is an invitation to seek out those things that light us up, regardless of what they might look like to others— to allow ourselves to embody our fullest expression, and shine bright just like the actual Sun, who doesn’t care what people think of its light or who/what is there to appreciate and bask in it, it simply shines.

Overall, an upright Sun is a vision to behold and a happy blessing to lean into, a reminder that there is sunshine for those who seek it and we are allowed to exuberantly happy.

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The Sun Card Reversed

If you read with reversals and a reversed Sun card shows up for you, it can be an even stronger invitation to not resist shining your light and filling yourself up with the things that bring you joy. Don’t dim your light or apologise for what cultivates gratitude in you. Sometimes it can be a message that we need to look a little harder for where the pockets of sunlight are, or redefine what success means to us. It can also be a reminder to pat yourself on the back and take pride in all that you have achieved, no matter how insignificant they may seem.

The Sun in a General Reading

Generally, The Sun upright is a welcome card to receive in a reading as it is a green light and indicator that we are on the right track. If we don’t currently feel sunny, it can be a green pass to seek out what does make us feel vibrant and revel in that glow. This can also be reflected in a Sun reversed- the invitation to actively seek out what makes us feel light and bright.

The Sun in a Love Reading

In a love reading, The Sun is generally a positive indicator, it suggests that there is happiness and equanimity in the relationship. As an advice card, it can be a message to have more fun and play, to be silly and allow yourselves to get foolish, to flirt and bring a youthful zest back to life in the relationship. Alternatively, it can be an invitation to focus on what’s working and lift up the positives, to spend quality time together.

The Sun in a Career Reading

Likewise in a career reading, The Sun Tarot card denotes a positive omen, indicating success and alignment. It can be an invitation to celebrate all your achievements and allow yourself to be seen! Step into a bolder, more visible and exuberant spotlight, allow your light to shine bright.

As with all Tarot readings, the actual indicator of the card is dependent on your own intuition, the question asked, the nature of the situation, where in the spread it has fallen, if it is in an upright position, and the cards surrounding it.


Those are some of the key meanings of The Sun Tarot card, I hope they’re insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

To learn how to read Tarot yourself, get my Beginner’s Tarot Guidebook OR Tarot Immersion Bundle Pack complete with the Zodiac Tarot Spreads booklet and cheat sheet for a 15% saving! To bring the medicine of The Sun directly to your home or altar, get our exclusive hand-drawn print!

If you would like me to personally interpret the Tarot cards for you instead, book in a 1:1 Tarot reading with me, I’d be honoured to guide you :)

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