How To Make Organic Skin Care Products At Home

I absolutely LOVE making my own skin care products, it’s easy, cheaper than store-bought, custom-tailored to my own needs and, more importantly, natural and organic- as well as super concentrated! Creating your own beauty products at home is a simple way to rid yourself of nasty chemicals and also not waste money on fillers (i.e. aqua) with expensive “green” brands. Read on for my favourite recipes!

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How To Use Tarot Cards For Stress Management

After learning that tarot cards weren’t meant to be used to tell the future but as a tool to connect with your subconscious, I was intrigued to try them out and now regularly use them as part of my self-care practice! I love how they center me and reaffirm my decisions, I find them such a fun way to connect to myself! Check out my guide on how to do a reading for yourself, different spread options, and what are some of the card meanings.

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What Are Adaptogens And Which Ones Are The Best?

Adaptogens are powerful plants that have the ability to help the body “adapt” to its stressors, giving it exactly what it needs to come back into harmony. They can assist with everything from stress and anxiety, to sleep disorders and fatigue, to mood and hormonal imbalances, as well as immunity! Read on for the most popular ones, their properties and which are the best.

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Magic Of I Astrological Planner Review

My life was changed for the better when I first bought a Magic Of I Astrological Planner as it helped me get in sync not only with the cosmos but also myself! It sparked my journey into astrology and has helped me be more organized, intentional, focussed, balanced, less stressed, and motivated! Read on to find out my full review of everything that’s included in it and what I think of each part.

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My Journey With Free-Flow and Gratitude Journalling: How It Helped Me Deal With Emotions And Stress

Weekly free-flow and gratitude journaling changed my life for the better by helping me effectively process my emotions and deal with stress. It’s so incredibly therapeutic for me, I frequently use it in the face of events that cause anxiety to help reduce their impact. Read on for the science behind why it works, plus my personal techniques and journal prompts to get you started!

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21 Easy Ways To Reduce Daily Plastic Use And Lower Your Carbon Footprint

Collectively we know we have a global problem with our plastic use and there are small steps we can all take together to each reduce our own carbon footprint to make a big change! Of course, this is also a bigger problem than each of us individually, but until wider changes are implemented, here are 21 easy ways you can start doing daily to reduce your plastic and carbon load!

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The 30 Most Important Life Lessons I Learnt By Age 30

Although some people are scared about turning the big 3-0, I was looking forward to it! My twenties were such a great decade full of highs and lows, experiences and memories that I’m forever grateful for; but I’m also super excited to be in my thirties too! As I reflect on this time, I’ve compiled a list of all the most important lessons I’ve learnt so far in 30 years of life.

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What To Know About Visiting A Balinese Palm Reader

Bali is known for its healing magic, and one of the most unique experiences you can do is visit a traditional healer. We visited a palm reader for the first time and wanted to share with you what happens in a session, how it made us feel and what we came away thinking from it. So if you’re curious about trying one yourself but not sure what to expect, read on!

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