Ultimate Insight: Tarot + Rune Reading Combination

Ultimate Insight: Tarot + Rune Reading Combination
If you need specific, detailed guidance to a burning question you may have or an open invitation to explore your unfolding journey, then this personalised Tarot + Rune Reading is for you.
If you have have confusion about closure on a past event, need assistance in making a future decision, or simply want a glimpse into the energies currently surrounding you, and so much more, this guided Rune layout combined with a deep-dive Tarot spread will help bring clarity, awareness, and insight to your life.
Bringing the ancient knowledge of the Runes and the mystic wisdom of the Tarot, this reading is the best of both worlds in divinatory meanings!
This reading works best when you have one, open-ended question you’d like insight into, such as: what do I need to know about taking X option? What do I need to know about my relationship with X? What message does my Higher Self have for me right now? How can I move forward in my career? What blockages are there in doing X? etc.
The Rune layout is:
General theme
What to embrace
what to accept
What to let go of
Soul advice
The 10-card Tarot spread is:
Past energy
Present energy
Near future
Conscious mind
Subconscious mind
Internal influences
External influences
Message from higher self
Potential Outcome
It’s an extremely insightful and specific spread that is useful for guidance and illumination.
HOW IT WORKS: Simply fill in the form with your question (and any background context) below. Then, I’ll connect to my intuition and Guides, as well as yours, in a sacred conversation and see what they have to tell you in relation to your question. This will be written up for you in a stream-of-consciousness document as the insight comes to me, before being broken down into a digestible summary with space for you to add your own interpretations after, and a photo of your reading.
(I perform Tarot readings using the Colman-Smith-Rider-Waite deck but if you prefer the Thoth, Ancient Italian, or True Heart deck, please let me know in the form submission. My readings are channelled with the intention of empowerment, there are no “bad” Tarot cards, each of them serves a message and a purpose. I also use their Astrological correspondences for layered nuance).
[To book in a 1:1 live video session instead, click here]
Readings are strictly confidential and your question should relate to you only. They are only for adults over the age of 18 or with parental consent for minors. Tarot and Runes cannot predict the future, if you need legal or medical advice please speak to the appropriate practitioners. If you have any questions beforehand, send me an email at hello@twowander.com!
After clicking the ‘Book My Reading’ button below you will be directed to a form to fill in your question as well as any background context you may want to include. (If you don’t have a question you can just leave this section blank). Your reading will be added to the cart, when you are done shopping you can checkout and pay for your reading.
After placing your order, you’ll be emailed a beautiful 2000+ word PDF document that you can return back to as many times as you like. Each reading is a sacred practice for me, I approach it with great reverence and ritual. Due to the amount of time offered to each one and the current level of demand, you will receive your reading in 20 BUSINESS DAYS. I trust that it will find its way to you exactly when the time is right :)
Due to the nature of this soul service, all sales are final
Get some Divine insight today!
Here’s an example of some of the content you will receive (images used with permission).