10 of Cups as Feelings


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10 of Cups as Feelings

The 10 of Cups Minor Arcana Tarot card as feelings can represent a sense of contentment, satisfaction, and achievement. It is certainly generally a very welcome card to pull!

When it shows up for us in a reading it is an invitation to actively seek out those pockets of sunshine and rainbows in our day, whether obvious or not, just like the rainbow itself— they don’t last forever and we need to pause and be present to see them!

Read on for more meanings of the Ten of Cups, including its Astrological and Numerological correspondences, what it means in a reversed position and in a career, love, or general reading:


The Ten of Cups Tarot Meaning

The Ten of cups is a lovely card of happiness, communal belonging, and fulfilment. It is the cumulation of the love and contentment of the whole Cups suit thus far, a culmination on from the Nine of Cups!

Where in that card we were alone in our joy and satisfaction, here we have discovered that true happiness is best when shared— this is where the lasting sense of wealth comes in. Gather up your loved ones and enjoy the simple moments!

Ten of Cups Tarot Card Description

In the Pamela Colman Smith rendition we can see what appears to be an idyllic, almost too-good-to-be-true looking scene; like something at the end of a sitcom when the end credits roll— the happily ever after.

Of course, as we know, happily ever after doesn’t exist, and just like the Four of Wands taught us— the wedding is not the marriage.

We still have the Cups Court cards to get through next and the rest of the whole Tarot Minor Arcana, Swords and Pentacles after this.

In fact, we can see that this is actually a “stage” card— where it appears the characters are standing on a stage. Life goes on after the end of the fairytale.

However, just for now, before the image fades to black and the rainbow disappears: stop, rest, and appreciate all that is good in your life.

Just like the rainbow, sometimes we can only catch a small glimpse of it, sometimes it may be faint— either way, this card urges you to look for it.

I love the whimsy and fantasticalness of this card, it allows us to dream just for a moment. I also love that the couple holding hands and children are dressed the same, like mini-mes. To me this calls to mind not only the happy image of a content and fulfilled family, a sense of wholeness, but also a happy inner child— the reflection of ourselves.

In the Thoth Tarot deck, this card is called Satiety which I just love because it really is those non-material things dealt with in the suit of Cups— emotions, creativity, spirit, intuition, love— that fill us up to give a sense of satisfaction. I also like that all the cups are overflowing with what appears to be more like light than liquid— an ascension into higher plains.


Numerology of the Ten of Cups

Numerologically the number 10 is one of completions and closure. It speaks to cycles ending, as well as an inherent new beginning— after all, the number ten reduced becomes one, bringing it back to the start.

This also connects it to Major Arcana card The Wheel of Fortune (and Magician in return). I love this association because the Wheel teaches us of the endless cycle— sometimes we’re up, sometimes we’re down. It’s important to appreciate the rainbows while they’re here!

The Magician reminds us that we are capable of creating the reality we wish to see at any moment— sometimes you have to make your own rainbows!

Astrology of the Ten of Cups

I love the Astrology of the Ten of Cups because it is a Mars in Pisces card, taking action on our dreams. Pisces is more of a passive archetype, going with the flow, receptive and waiting for things to come to it. Mars, the Planet of action, in Pisces speaks to instinctive moves and gut instinct.

It is a reminder that we have to actively chase our dreams— dreaming and visioning is one thing, we must also take concrete actionable steps towards our goals!

Ten of Cups Upright Meanings

Generally, the Ten of Cups indicates: contentment, satisfaction, happiness, familial bliss, harmony, a joyful time, achievement, communal wellbeing, peace, emotional satisfaction, pleasant home or family life.

Reversed Ten of Cups Meaning

The Ten of Cups reversed can be a message to actively seek out the things that bring you joy and to focus on the good in your life— what is working, what are you grateful for? Happiness is an inside job as they say, don’t resist doing the work!

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The Ten of Cups in a Relationship Reading

As with all Tarot card meanings, the actual significations of the Ten of Cups in love Tarot readings will depend on the situation at hand, the question asked, the position in the spread it has fallen in, the card combinations surrounding it, and your own intuition.

However, overall, the Ten of Cups here can be a message that you may be experiencing a current moment of bliss, peace, happiness, and contentment in your relationships and to enjoy it! Soak it up and be present for it. If you don’t currently feel that way, in that case it can be an invitation to actively seek out simply moments of joy. List what you love about your partner, organise a picnic, watch a romantic film together.

Ten of Cups in a Career Reading

Again, the nature in a career Tarot card reading will depend on the context, but in general the Ten of Cups represents a sense of achievement and satisfaction in your job, things may be flowing smoothly at work and you may be pleased with how your career is going! Soak it all up and embrace the things that make you feel good professionally, share in your wins and celebrate what’s going right.


So those are some meanings of the Ten of Cups Minor Arcana Tarot card, I hope they’re insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

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