The Archetypal Astrology of Leo


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The Archetypal Astrology of Leo

Archetypal Leo is both monarch and child. It is the leader and expression of play and youthfulness all in one, as well as the creator, entertainer, and performer. As a Fixed Fire Sign, it has passion and energy to burn.

Ruled by the Sun, the centre of the Solar System, Leo has a gravitational pull and capacity to draw attention to it (whether it likes to or not). In this, it is also solar and warm, keen to uplift and bring joy to the world— to shine.

Characteristics of Leo

Leo is a Diurnal, Fixed Fire Sign. Diurnal Signs (Fire + Air) are more active and outward-facing. Fixed Signs are the four ones that fall in the middle of the seasons— steady and predictable. Fire Signs are spirited and energetic.

The Leo archetype is a Sign that is often associated with playfulness and children, as well as drama, flair, and generosity.

2nd Century Astrologer Vettius Valens uses these keywords for Leo: free, fiery, temperate, intellectual, kingly, stable, noble, upward-trending, changeable, solid, governing, civic, imperious, irascible, [people] born under this sign are distinguished, noble, steady, just, haters of evil, independent, haters of flattery, beneficent, inflated with their lofty thoughts.


As Astrology is largely the study of the Planets, it can be useful to think about a Zodiac Sign through which Planets are comfortable and at home in them, and which ones struggle in their domain.

Leo is ruled by the Sun, our brightest star and giver of all life on Earth. Many cultures around the world followed solar religions as we quite literally wouldn’t exist without it! Astrologically, it speaks to our ego and vitality, core characteristics, and where we can shine.

A solar Planet, it is of course of the “Diurnal Sect”, being the main luminary for Day Charts (so if you were born during the day you may resonate more with your Sun than your Moon Sign)!

Solar deities include Apollo, Ra, Helios, Hathor, Inti, and Amaterasu, and are often depicted as brave, vain, magnanimous, proud, valiant, and courageous.

The Sun is in its “joy” in the 9th House, the place of religion, spirituality, wisdom, philosophy, higher education, institutions, prophecy, and long-distance travelling.

Saturn finds its detriment in Leo as it is opposite its domicile, Aquarius. Aquarius is the Sign of free-thinking independence, making one’s own rules on the fringes— Leo cares for popularity. In Leo, Saturn can struggle to call upon its uniqueness, as well as its usual maturity and forward-thinking capacity (instant gratification over dutiful stoicism).

Continue reading for more details about the Leo Zodiac Sign:


The Planets in Leo

The Zodiac Seasons are governed by where the Sun currently is in the Zodiac belt (which is a division of the ecliptic— the apparent path of the Sun— into twelve equal Signs). When it is in the Sign of Leo, we are collectively in Leo Season.

This usually occurs roughly between the 22nd July - 22nd August but depends on the day of the Equinox each year (which starts the Astrological cycle and is what the Tropical Zodiac Signs are based on, not the constellations as is commonly thought), the Sun spending roughly 30 days in each Sign thereafter, moving 1º a day.

In the Northern Hemisphere (which “Western” Astrology is developed on), Leo Season is the heart of summer— the days are long and hot, oppressive even. Summer feels endless and the fruit is starting to overripe. We are in full summer fun mode here (aware that soon it will be over)!

Leo Season

During Leo Season we can let our hair down (a ruling body part of Leo), get loose, and have fun! Let yourself strut your stuff, indulge, get over-the-top, there’s not long left!

It can also be a fruitful time for taking up the spotlight (either creatively, artistically, or on social media), letting out your inner lion, and connecting with your inner-child.

-> If you would like rituals and magick to connect to the energy of this period, get our Leo Season Workbook (created for all Zodiac Signs)!

Sun in Leo

The Sun in Leo is bold, playful, and generous. It has a youthful, Peter Pan-like energy to it and capacity for drawing attention to itself (whether or not it intends to). It is joyful and uplifting, keen to share generously of itself. The Sun is at home here and so capable of shining bright and proudly taking the lead.

In its shadow, it can become overly self-centring, domineering, or immature.

-> If you’re a Leo, book in your Year Ahead Reading with me for details about what your Solar Return heralds for you!

Moon in Leo

The Moon in Leo also has a youthful, playful, even silly quality to it— it likes to entertain and play the fool! It is joyous, warm, generous, and entertaining. Able to shine bright and share freely.

Mercury in Leo

Mercury in Leo has a creative capacity for thought and penchant for dramatic flair. It has the capacity to think boldly and in a self-centring way, able to take the lead. It might like to decorate its words in a flamboyant way and may like some drama too.

Venus in Leo

Venus in Leo is generous and playful in love, with a desire to spend! It appreciates luxury, flashy items that are fun, bright, and gaudy even. It needs partnership that is equally youthful and doting.

Mars in Leo

Mars in Leo is bold, performative actions. They may be over-the-top sometimes but they will always be entertaining! It has fire to burn and can have a dramatic flair, with the stamina to keep going.

Jupiter in Leo

Jupiter in Leo is larger-than-life fun, generosity, and pride. It is grandiose, warm, passionate, and pompous. It’s not afraid to toot its own horn and thinks life is for living! It is equally capable of sharing this uplifting energy with its infectious joy.

Its placement in your Chart can also speak to your Sagittarius and Pisces placements/Houses.

Saturn in Leo

Saturn in Leo can either value the importance of play or find it hard to call upon its silliness! It may find it foolish to play the fool or struggle to access its maturity and capacity for thinking collectively— being overly self-centring.

As another social Planet, along with Jupiter, people born within the same 2-3 years as you will have Saturn in Leo— you can look to other placements for more personalised details (such as the House it is in, what aspects it is making, and the Capricorn/Aquarius Houses of your Chart, as well as where your Sun is).


Leo in the Astrological Houses

In each of our Natal Charts, Leo will occupy a House (regardless of whether you have placements in Leo or not), bringing its joy to this area of life for us.

When a Planet enters Leo, it is transiting this House for us, bringing its energy/action to this area of life (this is how all horoscopes are written)! To learn more about what the Planets have in store for you, get your Zodiac Year Ahead Forecast Report!

Leo in the 1st House - Leo Rising

Leo Risings can embody the quintessential Leonine archetype— playful, youthful, generous, warm, bold, self-centring, and joyous. Creativity and creation may be important for you, as well as being a leader in some way. You may also have an affinity for children.

Leo in the 2nd House - Cancer Rising

With Leo in the 2nd House you may enjoy spending your money on fun and flashing your cash! You might be generous with your finances and even have a naive money mindset. You’ll value spending money on things that bring joy and are entertaining.

Leo in the 3rd House - Gemini Rising

Leo in the 3rd House can give you a youthful, bold, and playful communication style. Self-expression and being heard may be important for you, as well as sharing freely from the heart in an uplifting way.

Leo in the 4th House - Taurus Rising

With Leo in the 4th House you may require your home and family life to feel fun and entertaining, with a youthful, playful energy running through it (there might also be an element of childish dynamics)!

Leo in the 5th House - Aries Rising

Leo in the 5th House can bring a bold joy for having fun and entertaining! Creating may be important to you, as well as doing things that uplift you and others. Children or related themes (such as inner child) may also feature.

Leo in the 6th House - Pisces Rising

Leo in the 6th House requires daily routines to feel fun (although it doesn’t mind regularity). You might need your work environment to feel youthful and entertaining, and creating freely of the self can be good for your health too!

Leo in the 7th House - Aquarius Rising

With Leo in the 7th House you may be attracted to (or attract to you) partners that are youthful, entertaining, and maybe even a little dramatic. Relationships need to feel fun, playful, and uplifting. Generosity is also key!

Leo in the 8th House - Capricorn Rising

With Leo in the 8th House you might like your investments and joint ventures to feel fun and playful. You may tend to shy away from the light or have a fear of being seen— allowing yourself to be silly and witnessed can be healing, get creative!

Leo in the 9th House - Sagittarius Rising

Leo in the 9th House can bring a joy in sharing your beliefs and spirituality, travelling and learning may light you up. You may view themes of self-expansion as fun and enjoy uplifting others along the way.

Leo in the 10th House - Scorpio Rising

Leo in the 10th House can bring a desire to be seen professionally, to shine on the public world stage. It is distinctly at odds with the privacy of a Scorpio Rising! Finding a balance with sharing freely and generously of yourself can be uplifting.

Leo in the 11th House - Libra Rising

With Leo in the 11th House you may prefer youthful, entertaining friends who you can get silly and play with. You might like to be the centre of your friendship group and take the solar spotlight within your community— let yourself shine!

Leo in the 12th House - Virgo Rising

Leo in the 12th House can bring a desire for an approach to spirituality that is playful and naive almost. Your dreams may be dramatic and immaturity may be the cause of your own self-undoing.

During Leo Season is a particularly yin time for you of turning within and tending to your mental health and solitude.


So that’s a brief overview of the archetypal Astrology of Leo, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

For a personalised Astrology reading— join hundreds of other happy seekers and book in a 1:1 session with me, let’s decode your celestial blueprint today!

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