What You Need To Know About Archetypal Aries
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What To Know About Archetypal Aries
Archetypal Aries is the pioneer and warrior of the Zodiac, kicking off the whole Astrological year, it’s quick out the gate. This is the energy of birth, of life in motion, of impulsive instinct— act first, think later.
Its traditional ruling Planet is fiery Mars, the hot benefic Planet of competition, severance, and defence. Mars is scolding and protecting, it aggravates and also brings energy to persevere and achieve. This pair gets sh*t done.
As a Cardinal Fire Sign, it is the quickest to initiate change and leads with the gut (it may also burn out just as quickly)!
Where it is in your Natal Chart can show you areas where to be bold, fearless, and charge ahead.
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Characteristics of Aries
Aries is a Diurnal, Cardinal Fire Sign. Diurnal Signs (Fire + Air) are more active and outward-facing. Cardinal Signs come at the beginning of the seasons, thus are seen as the leaders. Fire Signs are generative with a lot of passion to spare!
Archetypal Aries is who you’d want in an emergency, someone who can think on their feet. It is brave and self-assured, confident in its right to take up space— just like the baby. Aries embodies this youthful energy, never seeming to age, always holding onto a childike spirit. Their fire comes from a bottomless pit. It is also like the mountain or The Emperor card, strong in what they desire and deserve, unafraid to go and get it!
Aries can also be impatient, it wants what it wants yesterday! There’s no time for waiting, things must get done fast.
Its ruling body part is the head, seat of the ego and identity (also “head of state” aka the leader). Aries is the Self. Its symbol is the ram, literally ramming ahead head first.
The Planets and Pisces
As Astrology is the study of the Planets, it can be useful to think about the archetypes of a Zodiac Sign through which Planets are comfortable and at home in them, and which ones struggle in their domain.
Aries is traditionally ruled by Mars, Ares, God of War. Mars is also a protector and defender, someone needs to stick up for the little guy! There is an energy of championing the underdog.
Mars is of the night “Sect”, working undercover of dark, known as the “lesser malefic”— in relation to Saturn— its temperament is hot and dry. This is sunburn, thirst in the desert, burns, cuts, explosions, but also fires to keep us warm, forge iron (its metal), and cook foods.
Mars finds its so-called “joy” in the 6th House of Work + Health, the so-called “House of Bad Fortune”. Mars is happy here because it is the House of hard work, labour, and toil, as well as accidents and injuries. But it is also the House of service, health, and the effort we put in that becomes worth it in the long-run.
The Sun exalts in Aries, as the Planet of the Self, ego, and identity, it is extra happy in Aries! The Sun in Aries is not afraid to go after what it wants.
Saturn finds its fall in Aries, as it is opposite the Sign in which it exalts, Libra. Saturn can struggle to call upon its usual maturity and patience in Aries. As the Planet of the collective and long-game, it can find it challenging to find the right balance between self vs other. Saturn in Aries can see growing up as a trap, Peter Pan energy (people with Saturn in Aries often seem young beyond their years)!
Venus finds also its detriment in Aries. As the Planet of sweetness, connection, and social niceties, it can struggle with the brashness of Aries. Venus in Aries can be a subversive sexuality. This is a Venus that has strong desires and doesn’t care what it takes to get them!
Continue reading for more details about the Zodiac Sign Aries:
The Planets in Aries
The Zodiac Seasons are governed by where the Sun currently is in the Zodiac belt (which is a division of the ecliptic— the apparent path of the Sun— into twelve equal Signs). When it is in the Sign of Aries, we are collectively in Aries Season.
This usually occurs roughly between the 20th March - 19th April but depends on the day of the Vernal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere each year (which starts the Astrological cycle and is what the Tropical Zodiac Signs are based on— not the constellations as is commonly thought!), the Sun spending roughly 30 days in each Sign, moving 1º a day.
In the Northern Hemisphere (which “Western” Astrology is developed on), Aries Season is the start of Spring and Astrological New Year. We can literally see life returning on Earth and the warmth on the breeze. A new cycle is initiated.
Aries Season
During Aries Season is when we are coming out of our winter slumbers, the frost has thawed, and we feel a zest for life return! We may feel like spring cleaning or just generally spending more time outdoors.
This can be a wonderful time to refresh and reconnect with your intentions for the year! Up until Ancient Roman times we still celebrated this as the start of the year— it was named Martius, after Mars, ruler of Aries. This is why it’s called September, as it was the seventh month (same as October, November, and December (easier to conceptualise in the Romance languages— March is Marzo in Italian, settembre and settimo is September and seventh and so on)! Many countries still do celebrate this as their New Year.
-> If you would like rituals and magick to connect to the energy of this period and part of your Natal Chart, get the Aries Season Workbook (created for all Zodiac Signs)!
Of course, no Planet can be taken in isolation when reading a Birth Chart for a personality analysis (the Sun in Aries conjunct Saturn in an Aries Rising Chart, for example, will have significantly different connotations!), but here is a brief overview of the Planets in Aries (which will also influence the Houses they rule— for example if you have the Moon in Aries this also speaks to your Cancer House):
Sun in Aries
The Sun in Aries is ambitious, driven, and seeks to get ahead. It is bold, self-assured, and confident in what it deserves. The Sun in Aries does not like to lose or come second-place! There is also a strong warrior archetype spirit and youthful energy present.
-> If you’re an Aries, book in your Year Ahead Reading with me for details about what your Solar Return heralds for you!
Moon in Aries
The Moon has a desire for play, a lifelong Peter Pan vibe. It is competitive and likes to see life as a big game. It can be impatient and has a lot of energy and drive to go after what it wants! The Moon in Aries is great in a crisis— superhero mode.
Mercury in Aries
Mercury in Aries is quick thoughts and quicker words. It might feel like the mind races a-mile-a-minute. It likes to ideate, pioneer, and lead, doesn’t have much patience and can be irritable. It likes to think uniquely, to be “the best”— it wants to stand out from the crowd!
Venus in Aries
Venus in Aries has strong desires and is not afraid to go after them. It knows what it wants, and it wants only the best. It can also love the thrill of the chase, only to get bored once it’s caught its prey. Venus in Aries can struggle with tact and decorum.
Mars in Aries
Mars in Aries is bold, fearless, and quick to act. It likes things to be done now. It is strategic and efficient, but can be brash, impulsive, and explosive. This is the equivalent of the grenade. Mars in Aries is a competitive fighter, it has grit to spare!
Jupiter in Aries
Jupiter in Aries appreciates forthright directness, effective actions, and to bolster the Self. It values independence and youthful, go-getter energy. Jupiter in Aries understands the importance of the ego and self-actualisation, it wants to be a “winner” in all it does.
Where it is in your Chart can also speak to your Sagittarius/Pisces placements/Houses.
Saturn in Aries
Saturn in Aries can be youthful and childlike, independent, and action-oriented. It can also struggle with patience, collaboration, and playing the long game. Saturn in Aries can also either find it hard to “grow up” and call upon its usual maturity, or struggle with play!
As another social Planet, along with Jupiter, people born within the same 2-3 years as you will have Saturn in Aries— you can look to other placements for more personalised details (such as the House it is in, what aspects it is making, and the Capricorn/Aquarius House/placements of your Chart).
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Aries in the Astrological Houses
In each of our Natal Charts, Aries will occupy a House (regardless of whether you have placements in Aries or not), bringing its signature boldness, ambition, and energy to this area of life for us.
-> When a Planet enters Aries, it is transiting this House for us, bringing its energy/action to this area of life (this is also how all horoscopes are written, regardless of whether they specify it’s based on your Rising Sign or not)! To learn more about what the Planets have in store for you, get your Year Ahead Forecast!
Aries in the 1st House - Aries Rising
Aries Risings embody the quintessential Aries archetype— youthful, energetic, bold, and direct. They have a zest for life and aren’t afraid to go out and make something of themselves! Aries Rising has energy to spare and seeks to “win” at life.
Aries in the 2nd House - Pisces Rising
With Aries in the 2nd House you may be a fast spender! You might find money finds its way to you quickly and then just as quickly leaves you. Either way, with the 2nd House in Aries you might prefer to make money in a quick, direct way.
Aries in the 3rd House - Aquarius Rising
Aries in the 3rd House can give you a bold mind and direct communication style, you don’t mince your words! Aries in the 3rd House can give you a warrior’s mindset, eager to pioneer with your thoughts and lead with your visions.
Aries in the 4th House - Capricorn Rising
With Aries in the 4th House you may have a sporty, military, or otherwise youthful or energetic family and upbringing. You might like to be the leader in your own house and prefer to live in warm climate (depending on where the ruler and IC is).
Aries in the 5th House - Sagittarius Rising
With Aries in the 5th House you might prefer your sex life to be direct and passionate— straight to the point! You might like to play and engage in sports or activities that make you feel youthful for fun. You might also get on well with children.
Aries in the 6th House - Scorpio Rising
With Aries in the 6th House might prefer to move quickly through your daily chores, preferring strategic efficiency, and getting sh*t done. You might not like to get sick as this can be seen as “loosing”, and prefer to heal fast! No time to waste.
Aries in the 7th House - Libra Rising
With Aries in the 7th House you might be attracted to (or attract to you) bold, energetic, confident, forthright people with a youthful energy about them. You might appreciate those with a zest for life and who aren’t afraid to stick up for themselves.
Aries in the 8th House - Virgo Rising
With Aries in the 8th House you might be direct in your collaborations and bold with your investments! You prefer to know where you stand in joint ventures and make take on an act first, think later kind of attitude, as well as directness in partnerships.
Aries in the 9th House - Leo Rising
Aries in the 9th House can give you bold beliefs and a youthful view on life. You might enjoy the concept of leadership and coming first as a personal philosophy, seeing “growing up” as a trap.
Aries in the 10th House - Cancer Rising
Aries in the 10th House can give you a boldness in your career, preferring to lead professionally and unafraid to take charge, lead, and pioneer here. Be brave with your public image. You might have an impatience if things take too long to build in business.
Aries in the 11th House - Gemini Rising
With Aries in the 11th House you may prefer youthful, playful, and competitive friends, those with drive, energy, and ambition. You might like to surround yourself with people who are direct, bold, and straight to the point.
Aries in the 12th House - Taurus Rising
Aries in the 12th House can bring energy to your subconscious and dream world, you may be impatient with the concept of introspection and prefer mental health pursuits to work quickly. Don’t let anger or impulsiveness be your downfall! Channel your inner warrior.
During Aries Season itself is a particularly yin time for you in general, of turning within and spending time introspecting in solitude!
So that’s a brief overview of the characteristics of the Aries archetype, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.
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