A Guide To The Seven Chakras

Two Wander - A Guide To The Seven Chakras

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A Guide To The Seven Chakras

The seven chakras are an ancient Hindu and Buddhist philosophy. The chakra system represents 7 main “wheels” (its meaning in Sanskrit) of the body that are the fundamental energy centers governing different aspects of our wellbeing and path to enlightenment.

They each have different characteristics and colours, and when they are in balance, allow the connection of the mind, body and spirit and the vital life-force prana energy to flow smoothly.

If the body encounters traumas, both physical or emotional, or certain elements in your life are out of sync, the chakras can become “blocked”. There are numerous activities we can perform for chakra balancing and returning to a state of harmony.

These energy wheels follow up the spine and correspond to the major glands, organs, and nerve centers, which are also reflected in the Traditional Chinese Medicine concepts of meridians and Qi.

Read on for a guide to what the 7 chakras represent and how to bring them into a state of balance.



Two Wander - The Seven Chakra Crystals

What Are The 7 Chakras?

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara) - I AM


  • The first chakra is located at the base of the spine, near the tailbone, controlling the ovaries and testies. Its corresponding color is RED and relates to our core feelings of security, the foundations upon which we are built. This covers our basic survival needs such as food, shelter, and water, and also relates to our relationship with wealth and abundance, and how we cultivate it. When it’s out of balance, we may experience feelings of fear, scarcity, worry, insecurity and trust issues.

  • An overactive Root Chakra may make us overly attached to material wealth. When it’s in balance, we feel grounded and stable.

  • Its healing frequency is 396hz and can be accessed by listening to music using this frequency, such as on YouTube, with headphones ideally so that entrainment occurs (similar to binaural beats).

  • Balancing crystals are Garnet, Hematite, and Jasper (check out our Beginner’s Guide To Crystals for more information)! To open the Root Chakra, you can visualise the colour red during meditation, wear red or buy red flowers, and work with the above crystals and music frequency. You can also work through any attachment and abundance issues you face. Grounding practices such as breathwork, meditation, yoga, and spending time in nature, as well as eating reddish foods that come from the earth (such as root vegetables), are all effective healing methods. It’s also important to get enough sleep and rest.

  • Essential oils associated with the Root Chakra are Patchouli and Sandalwood. Its corresponding yoga pose is Warrior 1, and the ages of development are between 1-7 years old.

MANTRA: "I grow from a steady foundation."

2. Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana) - I FEEL


  • The second chakra is located at the base of the stomach, just below the navel, over the adrenal glands. Its colour is ORANGE and relates to our sexuality, creativity, and joy. When the Sacral Chakra is unbalanced, we may not have a healthy attitude towards sex, feel that we are not performing fulfilling work, or that there is not enough playfulness in our lives.

  • If it’s overreactive, we may be overly sexual or place too much importance on our careers, to the detriment of our personal lives. When it’s in balance, we feel emotionally stable and in control of our destiny.

  • Its healing frequency is 417hz and balancing crystals are Carnelian, Amber, and Sunstone. Balancing practices include prioritising hobbies and community, and making sure you are equally satisfied in all areas of your life. Belly-dancing and intuitive dance are excellent practices for getting in-tune with yourself and awakening your Kundalini (Divine Feminine) energy. You can also envision the colour orange as you meditate, work with the above crystals, wear orange, and eat orange foods. Massage is also particularly beneficial.

  • Essential oils associated with the Sacral Chakra are Neroli and Ylang Ylang. Its representative yoga pose is Bound Angle, and is supposed to develop between the ages of 8-14 years.

MANTRA: "I flow with the rhythms of life."

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) - I DO


  • The third chakra is found in the centre of the body, just under the ribs, over the pancreas. It relates to our personal power, our feelings of autonomy and self-assurance. If it is under-active, you may struggle with feelings of self-confidence and initiation.

  • If it is overactive you might be too egotistical and headstrong. Its colour is YELLOW. When it’s balanced we feel no shame and are able live to our fullest expression.

  • Its healing frequency is 538hz and balancing crystals are Citrine, Yellow Calcite, and Tiger’s Eye. To restore the Solar Plexus Chakra energy, you can visualise the colour yellow, wear yellow, buy yellow flowers, and eat yellow foods. There are also specific chakra meditation practices you can do and learning a new skill or spending time in sun are also helpful.

  • Essential oils associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra are Lemon and Grapefruit (read our guide to Everyday Essential Oil Uses for more)! Its main yoga pose is Boat Pose, and should be fully developed between the ages of 15-21 years.

MANTRA: "I stand in my personal power."

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata) - I LOVE


  • The fourth chakra is located in the centre of the chest, over the heart and thymus gland. Its colour is GREEN but there is also an Upper Heart Chakra just above it that is PINK. Whereas the Heart Chakra relates to how we love ourselves and others, the Upper Heart Chakra is more concerned with the Universal feeling of unconditional love for the greater good of all living beings.

  • If the Heart Chakra is out of balance we may experience feelings of low self-love and have difficulty in fully opening up to others. When it’s overreactive, we may give too much of ourselves so that we lose our sense of peace- essentially pouring from an empty cup. In balance, it ensures that we are capable of deep compassion and empathy. The Heart Chakra acts like a bridge between the lower, more material chakras, and the higher chakras associated with spirituality.

  • Its healing frequency is 639hz and balancing crystals are Rose Quartz, Malachite, and Aventurine. To expand our Heart Chakra, you can perform loving-kindness meditations, keep a gratitude journal, engage in self-care and random acts of kindness. Like the others, you can also visualise, wear and eat the colours pink or green to bring it into a more balanced state of being. It’s also particularly beneficial to spend time with loved ones.

  • Essential oils associated with the Heart Chakra are Rose and Geranium. Its traditional yoga pose is Camel Pose, it develops between the ages of 22-28 years.

MANTRA: "When I love myself, loving others comes easily."

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) - I SPEAK


  • The fifth chakra is located at the base of throat in the concave area over the thyroid gland. Its colour is BLUE and it reflects our ability to speak our truth honestly and with integrity. When it is out of balance, we may struggle to express our emotions or stand up for ourselves.

  • If it is overreactive, we may be too talkative and not listen enough to others. A balanced throat chakra will also allow us to fully communicate the true voice of our Heart Chakra.

  • Its healing frequency is 741hz and balancing crystals are Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, and Turquoise. To strengthen our throat chakra we can engage in singing or chanting, practice carving out our authentic voices in the world, and learning to always speak from a place of honour. You can also wear blue, eat blue foods and visualise the colour blue.

  • Essential oils associated with the Throat Chakra are Rosemary and Eucalyptus. Its corresponding yoga pose is Fish Pose and develops between the ages of 29-35.

MANTRA: "I speak my truth, always."

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) - I SEE


  • The sixth chakra sits in-between our eyebrows, over the pituitary gland, and represents our ability to intuitively “see” and be in tune with our instincts and inner knowing. Its colour is PURPLE and if it is out of balance, we may have lost touch with ourselves and internal voice, or be overly logical.

  • If it is overreactive we may live with our heads in the clouds too much. A balanced Third Eye Chakra will allow us to live in harmony with our intuition and the bigger picture. Here is where we start to become more in touch with the Divine.

  • Its healing frequency is 852hz and balancing crystals are Amethyst, Celestite, and Labradorite. To strengthen your 3rd eye, you can perform intuition building practices, such as reading Tarot Cards, and learn to lead less with the logic of your mind. You can also envision the colour purple, wear it, and eat purple foods. Meditating, especially with crystals, is also an excellent ritual for strengthening our Third Eye Chakra, as is dream journalling, and simply spending time stargazing and contemplating the great mystery of life are also beneficial.

  • Essential oils associated with the Third Eye Chakra are Clary Sage and Frankincense. Its corresponding yoga pose is Child’s Pose. It begins to fully develop when we are between 36-43 years old.

MANTRA: "I am open to exploring what cannot be seen."

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) - I KNOW


  • The 7th chakra is at the top of our head, over the pineal gland. Its colour is WHITE/VIOLET and relates to our higher power and purpose, and feeling of connection with a greater oneness and meaning. If it’s out of balance, we may feel lost in the world and out of touch with our true selves. When it’s balanced, we feel at one with the Universe and all of creation. If you ever manage to fully open your Crown Chakra, you will be able to access a higher consciousness.

  • Its healing frequency is 928hz and balancing crystals are Clear Quartz, Selenite, and Moonstone. To strengthen it, you can perform any kind of spiritual practice that resonates with you and allows you to connect on a deeper level. Meditation is an especially good practice too. You can also visualise a bright white light surrounded by light purple, and wear/eat the corresponding colours.

  • Essential oils associated with the Crown Chakra are Lavender and Jasmine. Its corresponding yoga pose is a Headstand, and it develops between the ages of 44-50 years old.

MANTRA: "I am a vessel for love and light."

There are also 2 additional chakras- the Earth Star Chakra, located a foot below us, which grounds us to Mother Earth and relates to our ancestry and karmic past, and our Soul Star Chakra, located a foot above us, which connects us to the Universal source energy and “Higher Self” (as well as 7 palm chakras each, among others- bringing the total up to 114)!

So that’s a brief guide to the seven Chakras and how to bring each energy center into balance, I hope it’s useful for you. Have you ever done any chakra healing before? I’d love to hear about your experience in the comments section below!

If you’re interested in other energy modalities, check out our post on the Healing Benefits of Reiki.

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