Justice Tarot Card Meaning


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Justice Tarot Meanings

The eleventh Major Arcana Tarot card, following on from the Wheel of Fortune in the Rider Waite Smith order, the Justice card represents things coming into balance and sorting themselves out, of being rectified and re-ordered, of things harmonising. It can more literally represent legal proceedings as well as simply people receiving what they deserve, or their just desserts! For better or worse, it is a rectification of things going to plan and following the natural order.

Read on for some Justice Tarot card meanings as a reversal and in a career, love, and general reading:


Justice Tarot Card Significations

In the original Italian deck, the Justice card was number 8, following on from the Chariot, but it was swapped with the Strength card, originally number 11, by members of the secret society the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur Edward Waite, the creators of the most widely circulated Tarot deck and the basis from which most other Tarot decks are created. They did so in order for it to align with the Zodiacal order, the Chariot representing Cancer and the Strength card representing Leo, forming a more logical alignment as number 8 based on this conclusion (and the 9 is The Hermit, a card of Virgo).

In the Thoth deck, the second most popular type of Tarot deck, the Justice card, called Adjustment, is still numbered 8. In this, we can see the harkening back to the natural symbiosis of Mother Nature making continual micro-adjustments to reach a state of homeostasis. Everything in nature is constantly re-adjusting to find a natural balance. What’s fair is not always equal. A symbol of natural law rather than human law. Who’s to say who’s “right” and who’s “wrong”?

The Justice card can represent reparations or justice being served, of things righting themselves out, of equality, and a certain level of equanimity, justice is blind after all. We can see this reflected in the Two of Swords, the mini Justice card which is blindfolded (this card is also blindfolded in the Thoth deck). In a similar way, it can sometimes represent needing to make a decision.

The figure on the RWS deck holds the classical scales, representative of justice, and a sword, symbol of the mind, upright in their right hand, the hand of giving and will. One foot is peeping out, the rest of the body is robed in red, symbol of power. They wear a royal crown upon which, and on their lapel, is a square, symbol of structure and form. They also have a snake scarf, symbol of a hint of spiritual knowing imbued in the process.

They sit in front of two pillars draped with a red cloth, reminiscent of the High Priestess, although now the knowledge we are drawing upon is more intellectual, logical, learnt from life lessons and gained experience thus far, there is also a sense of detachment and impartialness, there is no waters of emotion in this card, and the High Priestess is robed in blue, colour of the subconscious.


Numerologically, 11 is considered a “master number” and although double digits, not usually reduced down due to its power. As a reduction in the Tarot, however, we would get the number 2, again connecting it to the High Priestess. In the number 11, we can see the two pillars reflected, as well the essence of duality, partnership, and harmonisation inherent in the two. The number 11 is a highly spiritual number representing insight and potential.

Astrologically, this card is related to Libra, the Sign of justice. The symbol for Libra is also a scale. Libra is the Sign of balance, mediation, cooperation, consideration, harmonisation, and relationality. It is the diplomat that seeks to find a compromise that suits all. As the Sign of beauty and art as well, ruled by Venus, it is also reminiscent of the beauty of truth.

Overall, Justice upright can be about radical honesty and truth-seeking, about equanimity and equality, about finding balance, remediation and harmony. About being accountable for our actions and allowing for the natural state of things to unfold fairly, accepting our part in the situation while also knowing that something may not seem fair to everyone in order to be right. It can be a message to check in that we are in right relationship with ourselves and others, and to question what “justice” means to us.

The Justice card reversed

Reversed Justice can represent things being out of balance, of not feeling fair. It can be an invitation to seek out more harmony and equanimity, and not resist the natural flow and order of things. Sometimes there is no need to push and pull, things will naturally figure themselves out. Justice reversed can ask us to look honestly at a situation and our part in it. While upright Justice card may be more impartial, in a reversed position it can suggest that perhaps things have become a bit off kilter, or we are perhaps not following the most logical conclusion.

Justice in a general reading

While Justice can sometimes represent literal legal procedures, it often asks us if everything feels fair, balanced, and harmonious in our life; if we are giving as much as we are receiving and vice versa. It can be a hint that perhaps some scales have tipped, and that a re-configuration is necessary. Sometimes it can act as a reminder that things are occurring just as should be and we are receiving what’s right for us, even if it doesn’t feel that way just yet. Other times, it can be an invitation to ensure that we are getting what we deserve. Often, it is simply a message that everything is on track and will work out fine in the end. That what is due is coming to us or the situation.

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Justice in a love reading

As with all Tarot readings, the significations will depend on the nature of the question and context at hand, where in the spread the card has fallen and the cards surrounding it. Sometimes in a relationship reading, the Justice card can indicate a need to find more fairness and ensuring that everyone is playing their part. It can be an invitation to check in whether everything feels fair and balanced. It can simply represent that there is harmony and justness or that something will right itself out, that a “correct” resolution will occur. Again, it can also be an invitation to check in with the role we play in the relationship.

Justice in a career reading

In a career reading, the Justice card can represent either an indication that there is, or a suggestion to seek out, more balance and harmony. It might mean that there is a need for remediation, some kind of ombudsmanship. It can mean, of course depending on where it has fallen and the Tarot cards surrounding it, that there may be something coming into place, figuring itself out, or a need for something to be actively “fixed”. It can also be an invitation to speak your truth and rectify a situation.


So those are some significations of the Justice Tarot card, I hope they’re insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any other questions.

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