How to Start Learning Astrology


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How to Start Learning Astrology

While this 2500+ year practice can bring immense benefits to the understanding of ourselves and place in the world, it is also a hefty topic to get into! Although this can be overwhelming in the beginning, I think getting clear on a couple of things initially can help.

The first is to get comfortable with the fact that this is a lifelong study. While this may seem discouraging for some, I personally find great solace in this kind of relationship that lasts a lifetime (but I am also quite Saturnian). There is something so beautiful in have a healing modality that deepens, grows, changes, and transforms as you do, going and adapting with you.

The second is knowing how deep you want to go. Maybe just learning about your Big 3 (Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign) is enough for you. Of course, I would recommend at least getting comfortable with your whole Natal Chart as this is where the magic really starts to bloom. As you develop your understanding of the practice, so too does your understanding of your own Astrological Birth Chart! You can keep coming back to it for years and still always discover something new, it truly is fascinating.

Perhaps you might like to start with the fundamentals of Natal and Traditional Astrology, and then move into Mundane Astrology (the art of collective forecasting). Or maybe you are then more interested in going down the root of timing techniques and personal forecasting, or you might be interested in Electional Astrology (the practice of electing auspicious moments in time). There are neverending options available for you!

My advice either way is to start small and slow, feel your way through in whichever way feels most comfortable for you. Be OK with not knowing it all at once, it’s not possible (again, it takes a lifetime and even then is never done), and enjoy the ride! Have fun with it, explore, experiment, be curious, test things out.

Read on for some tips on how to get started with learning Astrology:


How to Learn Astrology

As mentioned, start small and slow. The first step is to begin getting comfortable with the significations of the Planets, Zodiac Signs, Houses, and aspects. Then, have a go at interpreting your own Birth Chart and move on to friends, family, and celebrities. Observe the actual sky and track your transits if you can, notice how you feel in each of the Zodiac Seasons, you may like to look into the mythology of the Planets too.

Be open and curious! There are many, many specialisation you can move in to eventually, you might even like to consider Vedic Astrology. If you want to take your practice further when you are ready after several years of study, it is extremely beneficial to start practice reading Charts of people interested (a live Chart interpretation is one of the best ways to learn)!

In the meantime, here are some specific resources to get you started:

Astrology Books

This is one of the best and most accessible ways to learn Astrology, not only for the depth and breadth of information contained, but also because you then have material to reference back to. Here is my list of The Top 11 Best Books for Learning Astrology. My favourite authors/Astrologers are always Chris Brennan, Chani Nicholas, Demetra George, and Jessica Lanyadoo (for modern Astrology using Campanus Houses, the others are all Traditional Astrologers, which is what I practice too).

Astrology Podcasts

This is another really great resource not only because of the amount of content contained but because it’s free! I also like to diversify my modalities (audio + written). The absolute best podcast for learning Astrology is Chris Brennan’s aptly named The Astrology Podcast. You can learn almost everything you need to know from here. Then, Jessica Lanyadoo also has a great weekly forecast podcast where she also gives a live reading so you can hear an example of how it’s done. And Chani Nicholas also has a mini weekly forecast podcast. The Fixed Astrology podcast is good for getting into details about the decans and Planetary joys when you’re ready to deepen your understanding!

Astrology Apps

Here is where you can start to integrate the Astrology into your life by tracking your transits! Another great way is to Moon journal- observing how you feel with each of the phases of the Moon in each of the Signs and different aspects. Magic of I’s Astrological Planner is a wonderful tool for this, you can use the code TWOWANDER with that link for 10% off!

Time Nomad and Time Passages are two other great apps for tracking your personal as well as general transits; the CHANI App is also great; as is Night Sky for a current visual representation of the sky! Don’t forget to read for your Rising Sign if you enjoy reading horoscopes (and avoid clickbait style apps like Co-Star and The Pattern if possible)!

Astrology Courses

If would like to take your practice to the next level and it is available to you, courses a really great way for going in deeper and clearer (and again diversifying your learning modalities with audio, video, reading, writing etc). Of course I have to mention my own course- Cosmic Guidance: Traditional Astrology 101!

Again, Chris Brennan also have several highly esteemed courses and the incredible Astromage Austin Coppock has several courses too (and much-coveted book). Chris Warnock has courses on Traditional and Astromagical Astrology, Demetra George has courses, and Jessica Lanyadoo has several workshops available online. Leisa Scheim and Kelly Surtees, two other amazing Astrologers, have several workshops for sale, as does Kirah Tabourn from Thestrology (who also has a podcast of the same name), and Diana Rose Harper.

Astrology Websites

For supporting material, in my blog post tag Astrology there are many posts to get you started, and Cafe Astrology also has a great repertoire (although they are more of a modern Astrologer), there are many resources available for free online just be mindful of the quality. is my favourite for Charts, and is another popular website with many things for you to explore! Aesthetics wise, my favourite for Astrology Charts, and for software the industry standards are AstroGold for iOS and Solar Fire for PC (my personal favourite is Luna Astrology).

Experiment, practice, play!

Pull up your own Astrology Chart and that of your friends and family (with their permission), and practice making delineations. Start reading, listening, and learning where calls to you and continue seeking. Journal and muse upon your own conclusions and findings, have fun and play with it! Experiment and practice what works best for you and feels most resonant, this is a personal relationship to the cosmos you are building. For community, you may enjoy getting involved in Astro Twitter (all the other Astrologers listed above are good starting points, and I’m there too @elysiumrituals)!


So those are some tips on how to start learning Astrology, I hope they’re useful for you! Let me know if you have anything else to add or any other questions in the comments section below :)

If you would like a personalised session with me, book in a 1:1 Astro reading! I’d be honoured to guide you, I also have an offering specifically for students of Astrology. If you prefer to study Astrology alone instead, get our Cosmic Guidance: Traditional Astrology 101 course or our Beginner’s Astrology + Birth Charts Guidebook.

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