The Knight of Cups as Feelings


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The Knight of Cups as Feelings

The Knight of Cups Tarot card is romantic, creative, and imaginative— on a quest to conquer the heart.

Here in the Knight we have moved up from the Page, learnt how to hold our cup more confidently and with progression— not quite a Queen yet, but on our way.

Read on for a Knight of Cups Tarot Guide, including its Astrological and Numerological correspondences, and what it means if it shows up reversed and in a general, career, or love Tarot reading for you:


Knight of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

The Knight of Cups Minor Arcana court card is the most romantic of them all, on a mission to woo the heart.

When the Knight of Cups appears for us in a reading we can be invited to call upon both a sense of romanticism and courage of the heart (a Knight faces great obstacles after all!), but also a sense of emotional stability— it can’t be easy to ride a horse with an open cup like that!

Like all the Knights, it can also signify general movement, action, and developments.

In the Cups suit, specifically, this could relate to a relationship, partnership, collaboration, or creative project that speaks to our heart. It can also be someone who embodies these bold yet youthful, artistic, sensitive qualities.

In the Smith Rider Waite Tarot deck, and many others, we see a Knight wearing the winged helmet and boots of Mercury, the messenger! They are here to deliver a message from the heart. Their visor is also open— ready to speak and engage.

On their armour they have a pattern of fish, connection to abundance and creativity. Whereas we began on a stage in the Page of Cups, here we have progressed into the real world.

Their horse appears to be gently trotting— in between the brash speed of the Knight of Wands and Swords, and the total standstill of the Knight of Pentacles.

This Knight has achieved a balanced tempo, not too fast and not too slow…

Knight of Cups Upright Keywords

Romance, creativity, emotional stability, artistry, movement, intuitive action, heart-centric invitations, leading with the heart

Generally, an upright Knight of Cups card suggests an invitation to call upon a sense of emotional stability and set out on your quest of the heart! Go off in search of what calls to you emotionally, let your heart lead the way. Romanticise your life, make the first move.


Astrology of the Knight of Cups

Astrologically, the Knights correspond to Fixed Signs (according to some traditions). Fixed Signs are resolute, steadfast, and determined. They are the ones that fall in the middle of seasons, reliable and predictable (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). Fixed Signs have strong drive and perseverance, but can be rigid and unmoving.

As a Cups Knight, it corresponds to the element of Water, thus is Scorpio (the Fixed Water Sign). Scorpio is penetrating and intimate, seeking to go into the depths and alchemise. It wants to get to the heart of the matter and has great strategy and resiliency.

The Knights are also said to correspond to the element of Air, quick and light, thus this Knight is Air of Water, like steam. Air of Water reminds me of the effervescence surrounding waterfalls or ocean spray. It is rising and almost imperceptible, yet stay close for long enough and you’ll get wet! It’s not enough to either quench your thirst nor drown you either… a middle ground.

Numerology of the Knight of Cups

Numerologically, the Knights can correspond to the number 12, which would connect it with the Major Arcana Hanged One (and Empress in turn), however the court cards are not usually associated with numbers (or reduced).

As a thought experiment, however, the Knight of Cups being connected to the Hanged One is interesting because both are associated with water but whereas the Knight indicates forward momentum, the Hanged One is about pausing and delay.

This would suggest that when we receive the Knight of Cups we may feel giddy and excited, eager to flow through on the butterflies in our stomach, but it may also be wise to proceed with caution. After all, this Knight can have a reputation as a hopeless romantic (aka silver-tongued player) as well.

In the Thoth Tarot, the Knights are called Princes, following on from the Princesses (Pages). This naming hierarchy puts them on the same rank, reminding us that perhaps we do still have some things to learn before we can move on to become reigning sovereigns.

Being lower on the Tree of Life (or higher depending on which way you look at it)— the Pages corresponding to Malkuth, the lowest Sephiroth (branch) but also the closest by cyclical nature to the most elevated point of the tree (Kether/Crown)— reminds us again that sometimes beginner’s mindset is golden!

How to Read Court Cards

Generally, court cards can represent either a person, situation, or facet of self. This can be someone who is influencing the question at hand, the general energy of the current circumstances, or an inner archetype you are invited to call upon.

As a person, this Knight would be someone youngish but in their prime, perhaps with a sensitive, caring side or artistic flair. Often, when reading for clients, I see this card show up as the querent’s love interest.

As a situation, the Knight of Cups can imply one in which heart and creativity are required, as well as courage, bravery, and direction. There may also be an element of romance or whimsy around, you may feel like you’re in a fairytale or a Knight on a quest for the Holy Grail!

As a facet of self, the Knight of Cups can be an invitation to follow your heart, to call upon a sense of emotional endurance, and to let yourself be woo’d— be your own Knight in shining armour too!

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Knight of Cups Reversed Meanings

If you choose to read reversals, a reversed Knight of Cups can suggest fantasy and rose-tinted glasses, an overriding of the heart over logic, seeing what you want to see.

The Knight of Cups in a Love Reading

In a relationship reading, the Knight of Cups can be a sign that the relationship is progressing steadily and with heart, you may feel swept off your feet (but not abruptly like the rug being pulled out from under you with the Knight of Wands). It can also be an invitation to lead with emotional openness, curiosity, and courage— to progress forward.

However, like with any Tarot card reading, the actual signification will depend on where in the spread it has fallen, the cards surrounding it, the question ask, current situation at hand, and your own intuition.

Knight of Cups in a Career Reading

In a career reading, the Knight of Cups can be a message to lead with the heart and intuition, to let yourself be guided by your emotions in a grounded, stable way. Comeback to your vision and mission— what are you seeking and why?


So those are some Knight of Cups Tarot card meanings, I hope they’re insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

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