How To Read Your Astrocartography Map


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How To Read Your Astrocartography Map

Astrocartography, also known as locational Astrology, relocation Astrology, or Astrogeography, is the process of mapping out your personal Natal Chart lines onto the globe to see what you may experience and where.

It was first developed by Jim Lewis in the 1970s with the premise that when we go to certain places, those Planetary lines are activated in our Natal Charts.

Based on your goals and intentions, we can choose a variety of lines suited to ours needs (depending on which Planets are best-placed in our birth charts).

The beauty of Astrocartography is that we don’t even need to live on a line forever— even just a holiday or connecting with clients from that area can be deeply influential for us!

Read on to learn how to read your Astrocartography map for yourself:


How To Read Your Astrocartography Chart

It is important to bear in mind that Astrocartography, like all of Natal Astrology, is highly personalised— therefore there are no “best” lines. As Astrocartography has exploded in popularity recently, there is lots of content out there suggesting the best line combinations to go to, but really it entirely depends on you.

Not everyone experiences places in the same way, even if we have the same Natal Chart it can choose to express itself differently. Astrocartography can be used as a useful way to narrow down your options, but then from there your personal preferences (and transits) take over!

For example, I have travelled to almost 40 countries in the world and also moved house 33 times in my life, spanning 8 countries and 3 continents (yes, I’m a Sagittarius Rising). Therefore I have been to several destinations along my Venus line, for example, and I didn’t love them all!

There is no magic pill, but through Astrocartography, after 34 years of searching, I have finally found a place I adore to call home.

-> If you are also searching for where you belong in the world, I would be honoured to help you find it with your own personal Astrocartography reading! These are my most popular readings for good reason! You can click through to the link to read hundreds of happy reviews :)

How to read your Astrocartography map:


    It is important to have a focus because the lines I would pick for a client in their 20s seeking adventure and spiritual growth would be very different to someone in their 60s approaching retirement and looking to settle down in comfort! You may be looking to build a family or put the hard work in to grow your career, write a book or find community— whatever it may be, clarify your main ones as your first step.


    After you have decided on your goal, look to the relevant Planets in your Natal Chart and identify which is most dignified. For example, if you are looking for love— you can either go for your Venus or the ruler of your 7th House. If your Venus is in Aries, Scorpio, or Virgo, or harshly aspecting Pluto or Saturn, it may be better to go for the ruler of your 7th (if you are a Leo Rising, this would be Saturn). See my post on The Planets in Astrology for more.


    Once you know which Planets are best suited for your intentions, pull up your free Astrocartography map and find where they are! Obviously you will discard any options that do not match your preferences (Alaska if you hate the cold or New York if you hate cities etc.). Lines have effect for up to 600 miles either side.

    You will notice that the Planets are assigned to the sensitive angles— the AC, IC, DC, and MC. The Ascendant (AC) line is one in which can come into ourselves more and the nature of the Planet is brought into our character. For example, a Moon AC line brings emotions to the forefront, a Mars AC line can be inflammatory. The IC relates to our home and family life, the Descendant (DC) is our relationships, and the Midheaven (MC) is our career.

    You will likely have multiple lines crossing places— here their influence is blended. For example, if a place has a Mercury DC line, Moon IC line, and Pluto MC line this can bring partnerships built on friendship, a sense of belonging, and power dynamics in our career.

    -> If you like, you can also add in your parans— line crossings— which are felt across the globe (on this is done by selecting “show details” on the top right, other Astrocartography maps may differ), for extra details.


    After you have decided on a few options, relocate your Natal Chart to see how it may express itself in those places. Of course, we don’t magically become someone else in a new location, but different places may bring out different aspects of our character. This can help narrow down your options.


    This is a supporting map in which your Natal Chart lines are mapped out onto the globe using your birthplace as the centre instead. Again, this can be useful to help narrow down your options and make your final decision. Here we are working with a 300 mile radius.


Sometimes there may be no Planetary lines well-suited to a person’s current intentions, in that case I will simply go with the most dignified Planet in their Natal Chart because when we feel good, happy, and aligned, everything else usually falls into place anyway!

For example, if someone is interested in growing in their career, I would look to the ruler of their Midheaven (MC) or Lot of Spirit first, if well-placed. Let’s say their Midheaven is in Libra, which is ruled by Venus, and their Venus is in Capricorn with no harsh aspects to malefics. This can be a good line for them to move to.

But if their Venus MC line only crosses places they have no interest in moving to, they can try out the other Venus lines— Venus AC, Venus IC, and Venus DC. If none of these cross desirable locations (or are all close to other challenging lines), and the same is true for the ruler of their Lot of Spirit, then a Sun AC line can also be beneficial, for example, as this is where we come into a truer sense of self and be visible in the world. When we are authentically aligned and gaining recognition, it can naturally reflect itself back onto our career and life path.

Read on below for an overview of each of the Planetary lines:

How to interpret your Astrocartography lines:

  • SUN LINE ☉ - This can be good for coming into a truer sense of self and feeling witnessed. It can represent places where we feel aligned, radiant, and able to lead.

  • MOON LINE ☾ - This can be a good line for matters relating to home, family, and a sense of nurturance and belonging.

  • MERCURY LINE ☿ - This can be a good line for self-expression, friendships, networking, commerce, travel, siblings, media, and communication.

  • VENUS LINE ♀ - This can be a good line for matters relating to love, money, style, aesthetics, beauty, and justice.

  • MARS LINE ♂- As a malefic, Mars can be combating and inflammatory (especially if you have a Day Chart). But if yours is dignified (in Aries, Scorpio, or Capricorn) it can be useful for energy, ambition, and drive (especially if it is the ruler of your MC).

  • JUPITER LINE ♃ - This can be a good line for a sense of growth, expansion, abundance, optimism, law, spirituality, and teaching.

  • SATURN LINE ♄ - As a malefic, Saturn can feel heavy and challenging (especially for Night Charts), but if dignified can be good for building things long term.

  • URANUS LINE ♅ - This line can feel freeing, exciting, and electric, but also disruptive and destabilising in the long run. If you have Uranus prominently placed in your Natal Chart already (contacting a sensitive placement), you may already be familiar with this energy. Engaging in grounding and nervous-system soothing practices can be useful.

  • NEPTUNE LINE ♆ - While this line can feel spiritual, artistic, empathetic, and intuitive, it can also lead to illusion, fantasy, enmeshment, and escapism in the long run. If moving here make sure to keep your feet on the ground and get trusted external advice!

  • PLUTO LINE ♇ - This line can feel intense and triggering, through this empowerment and transformation is possible, but it can be raw.

  • NORTH NODE LINE (glyph is a horseshoe) - Here is where we can grow and feel aligned in our purpose and life path, things may feel fated or destined to be here.

  • SOUTH NODE LINE (glyph is an upside-down horseshoe) - We may feel comfortable here but not access growth, we may tend to default to past tendencies and habits.

  • CHIRON LINE (glyph is a key) - This can be a sensitive, tender line but through which deep healing is possible.


  • AC LINE - These lines are related to our sense of self, body, vitality, and how we show up in the world. For example, on a Saturn AC line we may be overly-serious or rigid (depending on the nature of our Natal Saturn).

  • DC LINE - This ties in our intimate relationships and partnerships. For example, a Jupiter DC line can bring partners that are jovial, larger-than-life, feel lucky, or help us to grow.

  • MC LINE - This is related to our career, life path, public image, legacy, and sense of purpose. A Moon MC line can bring us career opportunities that are emotionally engaging, or professional contacts that are emotional aligned. As a Traditional Astrologer, I personally use Whole Sign Houses which allows the Midheaven to float anywhere in the top half of the Chart, not always falling in the 10th House which adds extra nuance.

  • IC LINE - This relates to our home and family, our private life, lineage, and sense of belonging. A Moon IC line can be one of the most comforting in the world (if the Moon is not challenged in our Natal Chart)!


So that’s an overview of how to read your Astrocartography Chart, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

For a personalised Astrology reading, book in a 1:1 session with me, I’d be honoured to be your celestial guide. To uncover the secrets of the cosmos yourself, enrol in my Traditional Astrology 101 course!

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