Page of Cups as Feelings


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Page of Cups as Feelings

The Page of Cups Tarot card is one of whimsy, imagination, fantasy, and romance. Like all the Pages, it portends a message and invitation— romanticise your life and watch the poetry bloom. As feelings, this can be excitement, curiosity, and creativity.

Here we embark on a new mini journey with the Minor Arcana; we have discovered all the ups and downs of the realm of emotions, the heart, inspiration, creativity, and relationships here in the Cups, and now we are learning how to handle them effectively.

Read on for Page of Cups Tarot Guide, including Astrological and Numerological correspondences, and what it means if it shows up reversed and in a general, career, or love Tarot reading:


Page of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

The Page of Cups Minor Arcana court card has a youthful, spirited energy— able to envision new worlds and see the magic all around. Connect to your inner child and play.

When we receive it in a reading can be an invitation to see the sacred in the mundane, to follow the whims of the heart, and to let our intuition roam wild and free.

Like all the Pages, it can also signify general news, opportunities, messages, proposals and invites coming to us— remain open to insights and offerings!

In the Cups suit, specifically this could relate to a relationship, partnership, collaboration, or creative project that speaks to our heart. It can also be someone who embodies these dreamy qualities.

In the Smith Rider Waite Tarot deck, and many others, we see a young Page holding a cup with a fish in it— not what we usually expect to find in our cup! To me this sparks the fantastical quality of other worlds and possibilities, like a surrealist scene.

This is the only cup with an animal in it (the only other one having something in it is the Six of Cups which has flowers). This highlights the capacity of seeing things from a different perspective, and a reminder of the inherent ensoulment of the world— all things are alive and have a message to tell.

It can also show a craftiness— they literally have quite a catch! Open your heart and mind and see where you might catch your own fish.

This Page also has the most elaborate outfit on, quite theatrical— as is the water behind (it is also one of so-called “stage” cards as they appear to be standing on a stage). To me this indicates the capacity for drama and performance when the Page of Cups appears— life’s a play and you’re the main character!

Page of Cups Upright Keywords

Imagination, fantasy, romance, creativity, inspiration, poetry, art, whimsy, intuition, news.

Generally, an upright Page of Cups represents an invitation to play and let your imagination run wild, get creative and romanticise your life— talk to fish in cups and see if they talk back! When it shows up for us in a reading can be a call to follow this childlike wonder in the world, whilst following our heart and remaining open to flashes of insight and proposals from others.


Astrology of the Page of Cups

Astrologically, the Pages represent their elemental counterparts. In this case, the Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. The Water element is fluid, flexible, intuitive, creative, sensitive, and highly empathetic. These are the feelers and healers of the Zodiac, listen to your heart.

The Signs are either Cardinal (Cancer), Fixed (Scorpio), or Mutable (Pisces), indicating whether they come at the beginning, middle, or end of the Seasons. Cardinal Signs initiate— in this case Cancer leads from the heart, the matriarch. Fixed Signs are resolute and steadfast, Scorpio has emotional depth and capacity to swim into the abyss. Mutable Signs are flexible and changeable, Pisces is boundaryless and receptive.

Water can be gentle as a trickle or powerful as the undercurrent of the ocean— each has the capacity to carve stone over time. It can soothe, nourish, and cleanse, but also overflow and drown.

Here in the Page we are just beginning our journey in the Cups courts— we are but a water droplet yet. It reminds me of the Rumi quote that we are not drops in the ocean but oceans in a drop.

Additionally, Pages are also considered to be Earth according to some, as they are closest to the ground in their figurative growth.

Thus, the Page of Cups is Earth of Water. Mud. The substance from which the highly spiritual lotus flower grows. Mud is extremely fertile— it contains the nutrients of the soil and the hydration of water, solid and grounded yet mobile (the Page of Wands is Earth of Fire, the Page of Swords is Earth of Air, and the Page of Pentacles is Earth of Earth).

This dexterity is reminiscent of the outfit of the Page of Cups, almost jester-like. This is a youthful, playful card after all.

Numerology of the Page of Cups

Numerologically, the Pages can correspond to the number 11, a powerful master number not usually reduced. However, although this would also connect it to the Major Arcana Justice card (and High Priestess by reduction in return), the courts are not usually associated numerologically.

Having said that, I do like the concept of the Pages being associated with master number 11 because the seed is the most powerful, it contains the imprint of the mighty oak. Humans with ovaries are already born with all the eggs they will have in their lifetimes— when you are pregnant, within your belly you hold not only all of your child’s eggs should they also have ovaries, but also all of your grandchildren’s within theirs!

In the Thoth Tarot, the Pages are called Princesses and seen as uniquely powerful because as they are on the lowest branch (Sefirot) of the Tree of Life, Malkuth, they are also closest to the highest sphere, Kether, once the cycle is repeated.

How to Read Court Cards

Generally, the courts are said to either represent a person, situation, or facet of self. This can be someone who is influencing the question at hand, the general energy of the current circumstances, or an inner archetype you are invited to call upon.

As a person, this could be someone youthful, fanciful, dreamy, poetic, sensitive, and creative. Often, when reading for clients, I see this card show up as someone who brings news or a message in relation to Cups things (relationships, emotions, creativity, family).

As a situation, the Page of Cups can imply a creative endeavour or a general energy of excitement, imagination, romance, and fantasy. You may be at the beginning stages of a love affair or embarking upon a new journey that captures your heart. You may be deep in your fantasy world (writing a novel or creating art for example), or there may be a sense of play and silliness (such as spending a lot of time around children).

As a facet of self, the Page of Cups can be an invitation to let your imagination go and see where your mind takes you, to get creative and have fun! Tap into your youthful self and romanticise your life.

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Page of Cups Tarot Card Reversed Meanings

If you choose to read reversals, a reversed Page of Cups can suggest difficulty in accessing this childlike sense of wonder, imagination, play, fantasy, creativity, and lightness. Let yourself play! A Page of Cups reversed can also suggest that someone is being emotionally immature or naive.

The Page of Cups Love Reading

In a relationship reading, the Page of Cups can be a sweet indicator that you are being wooed and romanticised, or an invitation to bring in more of this whimsy and play! If you are single, remain open to fresh proposals and invitations (but don’t get the wool pulled over your eyes or look through rose-tinted glasses)!

Page of Cups in a Career Reading

In a career reading, the Page of Cups can be a message to look at a project with fresh, youthful eyes, to come at a situation with creativity and imagination. Remain open to new collaborations and connections, and engage in a fun, playful way. Think outside the box and let your heart do the talking, bring a spring to your step!


So those are some Page of Cups Tarot card meanings, I hope they’re insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

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