Tarot Numerology Reductions


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Tarot Numerology Reductions

Using Numerology with Tarot cards is a useful way to gain deeper meaning as well as an easy access path into the cards. You can read my other post here specifically about the Numerology of the Tarot, here in this post we will look at the reductions of the Major Arcana and how that links them to other Major and Minor Arcana cards. Read on to learn more!


Tarot Numerological Reductions

In reducing every double-digit number of the Major Arcana cards, we have a connection to one of the single digit Major Arcana that tell a story. For example, number 17, The Star, reduces to 8, Strength (1+7=8). As with many correspondences, in this practice The Fool stands apart, numbered 0. The concept of Tarot reductions is explored in Mary K. Greer’s book Tarot for Your Self.

You may also be interested in my post on The Horizontal and Vertical Lines of the Tarot.

  • Number 1 = The Magician, Wheel of Fortune + Sun

    The Magician is Major Arcana number 1, and the Wheel of Fortune is number 10 (1+0=1). In connecting the Wheel of Fortune to The Magician we can see that every change is a chance for a new opportunity and beginning, in every twist of fate there is always something we have agency in. It is a reminder that we can change our own fate at any moment and that anything that occurs to us has the potential for making something out of it.

    The connection in turn with the Sun (19) is a reminder that there is always something to celebrate, to be proud of, to be grateful for. Our luck can turn at any moment but we have the power to choose how we react to it and where we decide to find meaning. The Sun connecting to the Wheel is also a reminder that sometimes we’re up and sometimes we’re down, that’s totally normal and natural, in this cyclical nature we can appreciate the warmth of the sun even more after we’ve been in the rain.

    These then also form what are called “teacher” cards- the Wheel of Fortune can help us to better understand the essence of the Magician and vice versa (this can be especially useful with the concept of your life path Tarot Birth Card and Card of the Year). This also connects the Magician to all the Aces, and the Wheel of Fortune and Sun by extension to a lesser extent. In this, we can see that they are truly all seeds to be planted. If you wanted to take it further, you could even reduce the Court Cards (so the Pages, 11, would reduce to 2).

  • Number 2 = The High Priestess, Justice + Judgement

    In the connection between the High Priestess, Justice (11), and Judgement (19), we tell a story of inner and outer knowledge, natural and human-made law, and the final realisation that things are not always so black and white. In the High Priestess we meet our intuition, in Justice we meet the equity of the world (and how this is not necessarily always equal in order to be fair); in Judgement we take a birds-eye view at our part played in a matter as well as the external circumstances beyond our control.

    Yes, The Magician teaches us that we always have the capacity for power to some extent, but “extent” is the key operating word. We cannot control under which circumstances we were born or the colour of our skin, there are endless numbers of injustices and discriminations faced in the world, not all of them are in our power to “manifest” away. Judgement brings us full circle in honouring the true part we have to play, where privilege and oppression are both highlighted, as well as our own capacity of autonomy within this.

    This also means that all the twos of the Minor Arcana Tarot are connected to the High Priestess (and Justice and Judgement by extension), the path of duality and seeing the other as a reflection, of seeking balance.

  • Number 3 = The Empress, Hanged One + World

    I love the connection of the Empress and Hanged One because both speak to liminality and suspension, there is no rushing pregnancy and birth just like there is no rushing through spiritual growth. The connection of Empress to the World is a reminder that in every ending is an inherent beginning, something must die in order to be reborn.

    The World and Hanged One are a reminder to pause and not rush through said endings, to allow ourselves the honour of being in them. We can sometimes be so quick to move on to the next thing, here the message is to wait awhile, and even appreciate where we’re at. This also connects them to all Minor Arcana threes, number of creation.

  • Number 4 = The Emperor + Death

    This is an interesting one because as the embodiment of a healthy ego, the ability to take up space and lead without encroaching on others, The Emperor must naturally become acquainted with the ego death of Death. It is a reminder that everything changes, shifts, mutates, and ends in some form, but we have the capacity to move through that and make of it what we will. It is also a reminder that to truly lead is to set aside our own desires at times, to put aside the ego and do what is morally right. In order to put ourselves out there, we must also let some parts go.

    Neither of these two cards is easy, it’s hard to be brave and lead; endings, change, and death are hard- but the surrender and naturalness of Death can teach us how to step into the Emperor. It is interesting to note that these are both Mars-ruled cards (Aries + Scorpio). This also connects them to the fours of the Minor Arcana cards, the foundations.

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  • Number 5 = The Hierophant + Temperance

    As a card of Sagittarius, the philosopher and teacher, Temperance has a natural affinity to the Hierophant. But in their sole Tarot definitions, Temperance can act as teacher to Hierophant in the reminder that knowledge and wisdom take time to learn, we can’t do a weekend crash-course and calls ourselves experts. Temperance is also a reminder when seeking out our Hierophant guides and teachers to move from a place of balance, grace, and equanimity, sometimes more is not more, and sometimes our own personal Guides have the most beneficial wisdom to share us. We do not always need to be seeking external guidance.

    The connection to the Minor Arcana 5s reiterate the potential stickiness of Hierophant energy. Sometimes (often) spiritual growth is hard and unglamourous, the fives teach us that through contraction we can then experience expansion. Temperance is also a teacher in how to deal with 5 moments, when we are feeling conflicted or struggling with difficult emotions, come to a place of patience and harmony, have trust in the process.

  • Number 6 = The Lovers + Devil

    This one is the funniest to me, a theme that is strongly reiterated in the Pamela Colman Smith Tarot deck, and many other Tarot decks, as the figures on the Lovers are the same as on The Devil card, now demonised. The Devil connecting to Lovers is a reminder of how quickly things can turn and we, and each other, can become our own worst enemies. The Devil as helper card to The Lovers is a strong message to not externalise our power or seek external validation, to remember that we cannot choose another over ourselves.

    The connection to the number 6 is interesting because this is a number of balance and harmony; in befriending our own Devil we can come to greater wholeness and acceptance. Connecting them to the sixes of the Minor Arcana is a reminder of why this path is worth it! Like sharpens like, we rise by lifting others/I get by with a little help from my friends, and “happiness is only real when shared” are all Minor Arcana 6 sentiments.

  • Number 7 = The Chariot + Tower

    The Chariot connecting to The Tower is a symbol of power and perseverance, endurance, and our capacity to weather storms with grace. The Tower as helper to The Chariot is a reminder that sometimes change and growth, or a long cycle we are on, when it feels like the ground is crumbling away from underneath us; can feel like it is never-ending, but that this is simply a sensation or perception. It is also a reminder that from the rubble we have the capacity to build something truer and sturdier, and have had the opportunity to leave behind something we have outgrown.

    In connecting themselves to all the other 7s in the Minor Arcana, these two speak to spiritual growth, and the challenging path that can come along our journeys of growth and maturation.

  • Number 8 = Strength + The Star

    This combination is a reminder to me that it takes real strength to be vulnerable and to hold faith, that it is an act of true courage to get your hopes up for something, and to be optimistic in the face of challenge is a brave thing to do. This relationship is a reminder that there is sweetness and strength in softness, in knowing when to stop and slow down, and allowing ourselves to do so.

    Eight is a number of manifestation and abundance, of spiritual growth, in connecting these cards to the 8s of the Minor Arcana we are reminded of the strength it takes to move with our energy, let go, face our fears, and keep on doing the work (the Eight of Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles respectively). I also find it interesting that these are the cards of Leo and Aquarius, Zodiacal polarities. These are the only two except the Hermit and Moon that align in this way. The Leo - Aquarius duality is one of learning to be the centre of the spotlight and passing the mic from time to time; the balance between being the main characters of our lives as well as part of an ensemble cast (which we are both).

  • Number 9 = The Hermit + Moon

    I love this combination because it is a reminder that sometimes when journeying within things can get murky, confusing, and dark. Seeking out our internal wisdom and guidance, finding our true north, and following our internal compass is not easy. We can look to all the lived wisdom and experience we have gained in a cycle, but we can also be looking at it through a distorted lens. The Moon as helper or teacher card to The Hermit is a reminder that things may not always be as they seem, that our instincts are fallible. It is an invitation to move through this process slowly and carefully.

    In connecting to the other 9s of the Minor Arcana, we have a message of culminations. This is also Virgo and Pisces Astrologically, the dichotomy between facts and belief, in seeking details and allowing ourselves to dream. Sometimes we need both.


So those are the Tarot numerological reductions, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

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