What are the Hermetic Lots (Arabic Parts)?


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What are the Hermetic Lots (Arabic Parts)?

The Hermetic Lots, also known as the Arabic Parts or Arabic Lots, are mathematical equations calculated with sensitive points or Planets in the Natal Chart to discern different types of information from it, like extra pieces in your cosmic puzzle— they were fundamental in classical Astrology.

There are hundreds of Lots that can be calculated for everything from the Lot of Marriage to the Lot of Theft. Here we will discuss the 7 traditional Hermetic Lots based on the classical Planets. Read on for more:


Calculating the Hermetic Lots/Arabic Lots

The Hermetic Lots date back to at least the 1st century BCE in Babylonia, with 4th Century Astrologer Paulus Alexandrinus being a pioneer in bringing the Lots to the West and authoring much of the information we have on them today. They were widely used for hundreds of years before falling out of favour and know regaining in popularity again thanks to their rediscovery in Project Hindsight with Robert Schmidt and Chris Brennan, among others, and Golden Hind Press.

The formula for all of the Lots depends on whether you have a Day Chart or a Night Chart. They are calculated by adding and taking away the degree of difference between certain relevant points in your Chart. The formulas are listed below for the seven Hermetic Lots, but you can use a free calculator here to do it for you, and see a full list of all the Lot calculations here.

Generally, it can be said to be a Personal Placement (such as the degree of the Ascendant) + the Significator (key Planet/placement for the Lot) - a Trigger point (another relevant Planet/placement). Some of the Lot calculations are then used in the calculations for other Lots!

There are 7 classical lots assigned to each of the 7 visible Planets (including the luminaries), four of which were deigned most important by Vettius Valens- the Lot of Fortune (Moon), Lot of Spirit (Sun), Lot of Eros (Venus), and Lot of Necessity (Mercury).


Lot of Fortune

This can be considered like an auxiliary Rising Sign and is the most widely used Lot. The Lot of Fortune was given a lot significance in Hellenistic Astrology— it adds a lot of nuance to your Rising Sign and how you appear and show up in the world! Hellenistic Astrologers regularly incorporated many Lots into their practice, but in particular the Lot of Fortune and Lot of Spirit.

Fortuna is heavily linked with the Moon, its lunar influence showing us a key component to our body, needs, and who we generally are inside. It represents the concepts of fate + fortune, things that are outside of our control. This concept can be seen in “casting lots”, generally a random act of chance gambling game, such as dice throwing.

You can also cast lots or charms for divination purposes (which I personally love doing). The premise here is that there is order to be found in the chaos, that the divine can to speak to us through these random chances, that “synchronicity” happens for a reason.

The formula for diurnal charts is ASC + MOON - SUN. For nocturnal it is ASC + SUN - MOON.

To do it yourself you take the distance of the degrees between the Sun and Moon in whichever way is smallest, clockwise or anticlockwise. Then you add these degrees in the same direction (clockwise or anticlockwise) to your Ascendant degree and there is your Lot of Fortune placement.

For example, let’s say you were born during the day and have the Sun at 13º58’ Scorpio, the Moon at 11º57’ Aquarius, and your Ascendant at 17º44’ Sagittarius. The distance from the Sun to the Moon is shortest by going around the Chart in Zodiacal order (anticlockwise). As Aquarius is 3 Signs after Scorpio, this would be a 90º difference. You would then add 90º (or 3 Signs) to Sagittarius still in Zodiacal order (anticlockwise) to get a Lot of Fortune at 15º43’ Pisces (in the 4th Whole Sign House).

This would imply an added level of dreaminess, intuition, spirituality, mysticism, and flow to the persona (Pisces) as well as a rich private life and need for home to be an oasis with a strong emphasis on family (4th House).

-> The Lots are the theoretical rationale underlying an extremely fascinating ancient Hellenistic timing technique called Zodiacal Releasing which you might also like to read about.

Lot of Spirit

The Lot of Spirit is generally taken as the indicator of your career, life path, purpose, vocation, and how you can find success. This is a key factor used in my 1:1 Career + Vocational readings as well as Year Ahead readings. It is the Lot of the Sun and therefore where we can shine and how we take action in life. Whereas the Lot of Fortune can be seen as more innate, things outside of our control, the Lot of Spirit puts the power back in our hands. This is also considered a key factor of ourself, speaking to our soul as well as guardian angel or “Daimon”, sometimes referred to as the Lot of the Hidden.

The word “lot” itself comes from the assigning of “lots” of land by the Gods, for example Hades was assigned the lot of the Underworld.

So whereas the Lot of Fortune is more innate, instinctive, and subconscious (the Moon), the Lot of Spirit is our conscious expression and where we have control over our agency (Sun).

The formula is ASC + SUN - MOON for Day Charts and the reverse for Night Charts (so the opposite of the Lot of Fortune calculations).

Using the example above, this would put the Lot of Spirit at 19º45’ Virgo (in the 10th Whole Sign House). This could imply either a career in the healing arts, a desire to be of service, to refine and improve things, or moving through life in a mutable and analytical way, changing hats frequently but ultimately striving for public recognition and success in some way. For more information, the position of Mercury (the ruler) would be looked to.

Lot of Eros

This is the Lot associated with Venus and as the name suggests, reflects what we love and why, what kind of things we value and desire, and what we might prefer out of a relationship. So while this can be romantic love, it can also simply be our passions and hobbies— things we hunger for.

Generally, the Lot of Fortune, Spirit, and Eros are the three looked at in Zodiacal Releasing for major life events concerning ourself and body, and events befalling us for Fortune; our career, public recognition, major decisions and life path for Spirit; and our important relationships for Eros.

The formula is ASC + VENUS - SPIRIT for day births and the reverse for night births (ASC + SPIRIT - VENUS).

Using the example above, if you have Venus at 1º1’ Capricorn, this would put your Lot of Eros at 29º Pisces. This can speak to a desire for soul union and boundarylessness, romanticism, and spiritual connections that feel like home. You might be attracted to people who are jovial and optimistic, who allow you to dream big and learn something from (this can be for any relationship in which you have a choice, such as spouse or business partner).

The Lot of Eros also affects other things that we choose according to our preferences (which is many!) including type of work environment, clothes etc.


Lot of Necessity

This is the Lot of Mercury and as such speaks to our mental dexterity and where/how we can find resourcefulness (or not). As its name suggests, it also represents where we may feel a sense of lack or struggle, traditionally it can also be associated with enemies, hatreds, and contentions. Combined, I liken it to “necessity is the mother of all invention”, in other words sometimes we need to feel a sense of push to do something. Oracular Jake also associates this lot with hunger as a driving force, which I love. Sometimes I even see at as our mindset or the way we speak.

The formula is ASC + FORTUNE - MERCURY for Day Charts and the reverse for Night Charts.

Using the example above, if you have Mercury at 11º18’ Scorpio, this would put your Lot of Necessity at 22º08’ Aries (in the 5th Whole Sign House). This could look like speaking and thinking in a fast, energetic, playful, and creative way, in being confident in your embodiment and decisive, or in feeling a need to create (out of necessity for your livelihood for example rather than simply for fun or pleasure).

Lot of Courage

This is the Lot of Mars and represents where we pioneer and charge ahead, where we take bold action, are forthright and show initiative, where we have a sense of audacity, your fighting spirit essentially; but also, being of the lesser malefic, where we may cause “war”. Generally, this Lot is less commonly used or taken into consideration, sometimes it can be prominent in the Charts of military personnel or athletes (particularly something like boxers).

The formula is ASC + FORTUNE - MARS for Diurnal Charts and the reverse for Nocturnal Charts.

Using the example above, if you have Mars at 1º28’ Scorpio, this would put your Lot of Courage at 1º59’ Taurus (in the 6th Whole Sign House). This can look like taking charge with your health, be able to stick with regular routines and wellbeing rituals, in being a leader amongst colleagues. If you get sick, you might fight it like a battle!

Lot of Victory

This is the Lot of the greater benefic Jupiter, and as the name suggests shows us where we can experience abundance, luck, or general good fortune and a sense of growth and expansion. It can also show us where we can receive the benediction of others, I liken it to the “I get by with a little help from my friends” Lot. Working with the Lot of Victory area of your birth chart (the Zodiacal qualities and House characteristics) can prove fortuitous!

The formula is ASC + JUPITER - SPIRIT for Day Charts and the reverse for Night Charts.

Using the example above, if you have Jupiter at 10º45’ Cancer, this would put your Lot of Victory at 8º44’ Libra (in the 11th Whole Sign House). Here this can literally look like seeking help from your friends and community (11th House) or partner (Libra). It suggests you can find success and achievement when moving in a balanced, mediating, harmonious way with a focus on design, connection, and groups.

Lot of Nemesis

This is the Lot of Saturn, and as the greater malefic, can speak to where we find challenge or struggle, but also where we can see slow, sturdy progress with consistent dedication and hard work. It can also point to where we always perceive a sense of lack or judgement, and by default what we might feel jealous of in others that seems to come more easily to them. Relating to Saturn, it can also be things that feel heavy or burdensome for us, where we place undue responsibilities and pressure on our shoulders for. I sometimes liken it to the 12th House and the concept of self-undoing (where Saturn has its joy).

As the name suggests, it can also imply what others envy about us, what we trigger in other people, perhaps by looking easy from the outside rather than seeing the internal struggle.

The formula is ASC + FORTUNE - SPIRIT for Day Charts and the reverse for Night Charts.

Using the example above, if you have Saturn at 9º45’ Capricorn, this would put your Lot of Nemesis at 23º42’ Aquarius in the 3rd Whole Sign House. This can look like self-consciousness in speaking your mind, voicing an alternative opinion, or public speaking. It can indicate a struggle in finding local community or a sense of belonging, or challenges with siblings and relatives, it may feel like everyone speaks eloquently with ease or always finds a neighbourhood they love. Or they can simply be overly cautious with what they say or reprimanding if they say the “wrong” thing.

With all of the Lots you choose to work with, and generally at least the Lot of Fortune and Spirit are taken into consideration, it can be useful to track not only the Natal placement by Sign, House, and aspect, but also its ruling Planet (including by Sign, House, and aspect); as well as transits to and from it! With the Lot of Fortune in Pisces example, this would mean adding in Jupiter’s Natal placement as a factor to consider in the analysis of it, as well as paying attention to any transiting Planets connecting with 15º43’ Pisces!


So that’s an overview of the what the 7 Hermetic Lots/Arabic Parts are, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

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