Meanings of the Ace of Wands


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Meanings of the Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands kicks off the whole Minor Arcana, here we embark on a new journey where we have agency and power over our actions. As the suit of Wands, it represents energy, ambition, and our creative lifeforce spark. Like all the Aces, it is a seed of new potential, an offering that we must reach out and grab. Combined, meanings of the Ace of Wands upright include business proposals, fiery energy, inspiration, a zest for life, new creative insight, and opportunities.

Read on for more significations, including its Astrological and Numerological correspondences:


Ace of Wands Meanings

The Ace of Wands Minor Arcana card, like all the Aces, is the start of a new cycle. Here in the Wands, we are beginning a new cycle in a new cycle! Thus, the force of will, action, and potential is strong. This is an impulse, an urge to create, be, do.

As an Ace, it is the invitation to be open and receptive to any news, messages, wisdom, insight, propositions, opportunities, and potentials being offered to us. Yes, it signals a potent seed being planted for a fresh journey- but we must also extend out our hand in return to receive this wand!

Numerologically being a 1, it is our individuation and the very beginning. The road ahead is long yet but we have begun, a powerful step. The Ace of Wands is a fiery, excitable card, full of energy to burn. This also connects it to the Major Arcana Magician card, the seat of all creative potential and manifestation of will. Here we have agency and the capacity to initiate something new.

Its Astrology corresponds to all the Fire Signs- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Aries is Cardinal Fire, kicking off the whole Astrological New Year. Straight out the gate, like the baby being born it is unwavering in its certainty to be here, in its right to take up space. As Fixed Fire, Leo has the capacity to sustain energy, enthusiasm, and creativity for extended periods of time. And as Mutable Fire, Sagittarius is always keen to try out the next best thing, eager to experience life.

In the Pamela Colman Smith Tarot deck, and many other Tarot decks as a result, the main colour scheme of the Ace of Wands card is neutral grey, signifying that opportunities are what we make of them. Being at the very start of the cycle it is impossible to tell what the outcome will be, indeed throughout the suit we will face many highs and lows, but if we don’t take up the offer we’ll never know! The leaves on this wand are lush and overflowing, this is fertile ground.

In the Thoth deck, the card is literally ablaze! Let the sparks fly from you and harness your inner flame.

Ace of Wands Tarot Card Description

Generally, an upright Ace of Wands is a positive, optimistic seed of potential. It is new beginnings, an exciting offer, fresh chance, or something to light a spark in us. The invitation with this card is to follow our whims and impulses, to say YES to what lights us up, and listen to our passions.

Reversed Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands as a reversed Tarot card can be an invitation not to hesitate and take up something being offered to you. It can be a call not to resist the creative flow and wallow in stagnancy. If this is writer’s block- get writing! Work your way through it with gusto, light your wand afire. If there has been a lack of passion in your life, the Ace of Wands reversed asks you to reignite it.

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Ace of Wands in a Relationship Reading

As with any Tarot card, the significations of the Ace of Wands in a love reading will depend on the situation at hand, question asked, where in the spread it has fallen, the cards surrounding it, and your intuition. On a basic level, it can represent excitement and lust, within this is the reminder that fire burns quickly.

Ace of Wands in a Career Reading

Again, the nature of its meaning will depend on the context, but in general the Ace of Wands in a career reading can be an invitation to try something new, to say yes to change, to follow your heart and what lights you up. Seek joy, be bold, creative, and confident- take the reins in your hands!


So those are some Ace of Wands meanings, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

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