The Best Crystals For Protection


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The Best Crystals For Protection

When looking for a crystal for protection, generally most of the black ones are the most grounding and protective. Some can help cleanse and absorb negativity energy, others can help transmute it into more positive energy, while others simply shield from psychic attack or offer EMF protection. Either way, when going out and about in the world where we are constantly bombarded by an array of people and varying energies, and especially when doing any kind of spiritual or energetic work, it is essential to perform good energy hygiene and protect yourself!

You can use crystals to help protect your energy by simply carrying them with you- in your pocket, wallet or bag; wearing them as jewellery; keeping them on your entryway or bedside table for aura cleansing at the start and end of your day; by meditating or journalling with them; by making gem elixirs, moon waters, flower essences, or aura sprays; by using them in sacred geometry grids; taking a ritual bath with them; or just picking up and holding them whenever you need! They can be placed on your altars, around your home or space, gifted, or used in any other way which calls to you.

Read on for the best 8 crystals for protection:


Protective Crystals

Before using your protective crystal, it’s important to first ensure you are buying them from a reputable source, then that they are thoroughly cleansed (and regularly thereafter)! As these stones absorb a lot of energy, and you will likely be using them a lot, it is imperative to frequently clean and reprogram their energy. Check out our post on the Top 7 Ways To Cleanse Your Crystals for tips on how to!

Other ways to cleanse and protect yourself and your space include: using culturally appropriate and ethically-sourced incense or smoke wands (such as with rosemary or lavender for those of us of European descent); diffusing or anointing ourselves with sacred essential oils such as Frankincense (highly popular from the Catholic church); visualising a bright light surrounding you; grounding into the earth with your bare feet; spending time by the ocean or taking salt baths; leaving bowls of salt around your home or sprinkling them into the four corners and sweeping them out (an old custom we have in Italy); hanging garlic and chilli garlands in your kitchen (another Italian classic); calling upon your Guardian Angels for assistance; sweeping your aura intentionally with your hands or a selenite wand; wearing amulets such as the evil eye (in Italy it is popular for them to be made out of Malachite); and mantras/prayers. For releasing energy, breathwork and EFT tapping are extremely beneficial!

And, of course, crystals are one of the strongest ways to cleanse and shield our energy, while re-connecting us back to the Earth.

Here are my favourite grounding and protecting crystals:

1. Black Tourmaline

This generally by far the most popular crystal of the protection crystals! Its potency is strong and it will help you feel safe and rooted to the earth, protecting you from any psychic attacks and giving you a sense of groundedness. Black Tourmaline is incredibly effective and accessible as well, making it such a highly recommended choice. It’s said to be able to not only protect your from negativity by creating a protective shield, but also absorb any current lingering negative energies. It’s really one of the best and most powerful protection crystals you can have (and a must in any beginner’s crystal kit)!

2. Onyx

I love this stone because it has a real rooted earthiness to it. Like all black stones, it is grounding and protective, but what’s nice about Onyx is that it also has the ability to help us deal with difficult emotions and transmute and dissolve them. It also offers up powerful vibrations of strength, focus, and willpower so that you can have the courage to believe in yourself to overcome any challenges.

3. Black Obsidian

This is technically a type of volcanic glass that is formed when a volcano erupts and quickly cools. As such, its protection is strong. Like most dark stones, it works on the Root Chakra to help us feel safe, secure, whole, strong, taken care of, and that all is well. Like other protective stones, Obsidian is grounding and shielding, but in a slightly less intense way than some of the other stones. This gentleness is useful for when you are already dealing with many energies and want something a little lighter to assist you.

4. Hematite

This is one of my personal favourites for grounding because of its weightiness, you will literally feel it grounding you in a somatic, embodied way. As it is a metal, it is also generally cool to the touch, another awesome way to help bring us back to the present moment, into our senses, and feel rooted. Hematite is also said to help offer protection against EMF radiation.

5. Smokey Quartz

Another one of the most popular protective crystals, and with good reason! Smokey Quartz is amazing because it not only protects and shields AND absorbs negative energy already present, but it also has the power to help transform that energy into positivity and something more useful! It is said to help guard against psychic attacks and from EMF radiation.

6. Labradorite

Now we move to the more spiritual protection stones. For literal, physical protection, I would generally always recommend a black stone or smoky quartz first, but when working in a spiritual capacity and with energy, it is also beneficial to use stones more specialised for psychic and spiritual protection as well. These kinds of crystal can help you on your path, with change and transformation, with guidance, insight, and inner knowing. For all of these reasons, and more, Labradorite is amazing! Working with these kinds of crystals in combination can also help lighten the load and make sure the crystals protect you without weighing you down.

7. Clear Quartz

No crystal list would ever be complete without Clear Quartz! This master healer has the capacity to work on all the Chakras and basically do almost anything any other crystal can. It can be substituted for most other crystals in ritual, spell, magic, healing, manifestation, or intention work; and it is extremely accessible and versatile, making it a great choice! Clear Quart is also lovely to have around because it helps cleanse and clear out your own energy (sometimes we can be the energy vampire, you know what I mean). Really it’s a must in any collection. For a crystal that combines both the protective powers of Tourmaline and the cleansing properties of Clear Quartz, you can opt for Tourmalinated Quartz!

8. Amethyst

Finally, Amethyst is one of the best crystal for spiritual protection. It is also protective in a more general sense, but it has the power to help us tap into our Third Eye and Crown Chakra and access our higher wisdom. It’s highly protective during sleep, and is said to help with sleep issues, as well as during astral travel and meditation. It can aid dream recall and psychic vision, and all-round help us tap into our intuition and spirituality. Through this, we will naturally feel more at ease, with a greater sense of trust, knowing, and feeling of protection.

You can also choose crystals based specifically on what you are trying to protect, for example- with matters of the heart, Rose Quartz is the best crystal.

For other crystal tips, read our post on The 7 Best Crystals for Energy and The Best Crystals for Anxiety!


So those are my top 8 best crystals for protection, I hope it’s useful for you. What other crystals would you add to the list- let me know in the comments section below! Or, if you have any questions, I’m happy to help :)

To dive deeper into the magical world of crystals and how colour therapy works, how to harness the power of Feng Shui and help align your Chakras, get our Crystal Guidebook for High Vibes with 50 of the most popular healing crystals!