2023 Astrology Forecast


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2023 Astrology Forecast

If these past couple of years have felt like repeats of 2020, you’re in luck because we’re getting some fresh energy this year! Although it is still a year of transition, it is the initiation of some major shifts and beginning of new cycles that will set us up for the rest of the coming years and even the entire decade.

Read on for the year 2023 Astrology forecast:


2023 Horoscope Predictions

There are a few major Planetary highlights this new year, namely:

  • Pluto moving into Aquarius on March 23rd for the first time in almost 250 years (it entered Capricorn in 2008), it will stay here for roughly 20 years

  • Saturn entering Pisces on March 7th, moving from Aquarius since March 2020 (and out of its domicile since the past 5 years)

  • The Nodes shifting into the Aries-Libra axis in July for the first time in 9 years (18 years in this exact configuration), being in Taurus-Scorpio since January 2021

  • Jupiter entering Taurus in May for the remainder of the year

  • Venus stationing retrograde in Leo (it turns retrograde every 18 months or so and is the Planet least often retrograde)

We are also finally out of orb of the the tension-filled Saturn-Uranus square that we have been experiencing for the past couple of years!

The US Pluto return is still in orb and so similar themes may be relevant, although it won’t be exact again this year and so can experience a lessening.

And finally, Mars will be moving out of its 7-month extended stay in Gemini due to its retrograde in March (although it will be going into Cancer, its Sign of fall so will be a while before we can experience a strong Mars again).

Mercury retrograde will almost exclusively be in the Earth Signs this year (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn again into Sagittarius next year), bringing review to these areas of our lives.

You can look to which Houses these Zodiac Signs occupy in your Natal Chart for more information about what each of these Planetary shifts and ingresses can mean for you personally.

For your whole Zodiac Year Ahead Report click here! Or get the complete Astrology Report of the current year.

Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto is the Planet of the Underworld, it deals with themes of destruction and regeneration. When it transits an area it can bring about a deep, cathartic transformation, often not without intensity when it contacts a personal placements (such as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, AC/DC, or MC/IC). Collectively, where it transits can show us themes of transmutation and a reckoning.

Aquarius is another Saturn-ruled Sign, as is Capricorn, where Pluto has been since 2008. Capricorn collectively represents structures and foundations, hierarchies, rules, governments. It is the Sign of order and stability, it is the builder, keen to uphold tradition. When Pluto entered it was with the infamous financial crash, and looks set to be leaving with another. Pluto here came to restructure and revolutionise how we relate to the very fabric of society, to capitalism, to

Although Pluto will give us just a taste-test of its twenty-year stay in Aquarius, the themes that come up for us between March and June can be good indicators of what’s to come. In Aquarius, Pluto speaks of transformation within our relationship to technology and AI, as well as the future of our collective in general and the way in which we relate to one another, online and IRL. The ethics of what is possible with technology and futurism themes in general will be relevant.

With the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius in December 2020, we entered a 200-year Age of Air, moving on from the Age of Earth. The Earth element deal with the material and the physical, in building capital. It saw the industrial revolution and mass consumption. The Age of Air promises a move into the more ethereal, into the digital, the Age of Information. Wars will no longer be fought in 3D but online. Ownership is already moving more to a rental and sharing economy, a subscription base.

The Capricorn area of our Natal Charts and in the collective will still see some final revisitations up until 2024, often Pluto is said to make small things really big and big things really small (it was discovered with the invention of the atomic bomb). For those of with Cardinal placements (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), these may be the final moments of integration.

The Aquarius area of our Chart (and Fixed personal placements- Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), instead, will see the beginning whispers of Pluto has in store for us during these few months in 2023.

Saturn in Pisces

Saturn is known as Grandfather Time. Like a firm but fair Grandmother, it ensures the boundaries and structures in our life are built of strong foundations. It can push us to our limits of stress-testing the groundwork, but in this allows us to see where the cracks are. Saturn is the teacher, its lessons create the framework we can stand on for years to come.

Saturn represents hard work, integrity, and honour. It is the keeper of ancestral wisdom and ensures we know the value of duty and responsibility. It can be burdensome and heavy, because these things are burdensome and heavy. Someone has to clean up the afterparty (Jupiter’s domain) or else we’d live in filth.

Saturn is the ruler of both Capricorn and Aquarius, and exalted in Libra. Its exaltation in Libra is interesting because as the Sign of relationships, it is a reminder that strong relationships take hard work. They need boundaries to flourish, Saturn is often referenced as the wall because it was once the known outer limit of the Planets, final reality.

Pisces is the Sign of connection and Universal oneness, it is fluid, intuitive, and empathetic. Pisces feels the world through absorption, it senses its way through and intimately knows that we are intricately connected in a web. As the last Sign of Zodiac, Pisces is like an amalgamation of all that have come before, a cosmic soup. As the Sign before Aries, the first, it is like the womb space; Pisces is both wise and naive at once.

Saturn in Pisces presents an interesting dichotomy, almost an unnatural alignment. Saturn is rigidity, Pisces is water. Whereas Pisces is more of a hippie “we’re all one”, Saturn comes with the realism of no literally- these last years in particular have shown us just how deeply we are tied. Saturn in Pisces can also bring with it the need to be mindful of our spirituality, of not becoming too engulfed in one extreme of the other.

For those with Natal Saturn in Pisces- congratulations! You’re going through your Saturn Return, a time for re-defining the structures and boundaries in your life. You can get a personalised Saturn Return reading with me here. Those of us with Mutable placements (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces), will feel the stern effects of Saturn over the next couple of years. This brings the opportunity to put in the hard work into these areas of our Charts, while also bringing the need to ensure we are not over-burdening or over-working ourselves. Saturn can be overly concerned with what is right, particularly societally, and so make us prone to guilt, shame, or fear of judgement. Don’t be too critical or harsh on yourself!

As Neptune, Planet of spirituality and illusion, has already been in Pisces since 2012, Saturn here can bring a bit of a cold shower in this area for us. We have been lost in the misty fog of Neptunian haze for many years now,

Nodes in Aries/Libra

The Nodal shift into the Aries-Libra axis is an interesting one because although it occurs in July, we will experience our first taste of the axis in the May Solar Eclipse. An Eclipse occurs when a New Moon (the conjunction of the Sun and Moon) or Full Moon (the opposition of the Sun and Moon) happen near enough to the Nodes (points on the ecliptic where the Moon’s orbit intersects). A Solar Eclipse is a New Moon (the Sun is being “eclipsed”) and a Lunar Eclipse is a Full Moon (the Moon is seemingly eclipsed).

Where the Nodes are point to areas of collective growth and release. The North Node is known as the dragon’s head, a place of hunger and increase. The South Node is known as the tail, a point of decrease. With the Nodes in the Taurus/Scorpio axis, we can see an increase in financial and earth-based themes (Taurean themes, where the North Node is); and a purging of Scorpionic themes (such as intimacy and the taboo). You can read more in our post here.

Those with Taurus or Scorpio Rising may have seen quite some significant changes in their lives during this time! Their identities and relationships will likely have undergone big transformations. A Nodal transit through the 1st/7th House axis is one of the most important we can go through! If you are an Aries or Libra Rising, from July this change will come to your sense of self and relations for the next 18 months.

Collectively, Aries deals with themes of independence and individuality, Libra is the balance with the other. This Nodal shift can bring a focus between how we relate to ourselves and others, with our sense of autonomy and sovereignty; and our relationship dynamics, as well as our concept of justice, art, and beauty.


Jupiter in Taurus

Jupiter entering Taurus can bring a maximisation of themes we have already been experiencing change within as Uranus has been here since 2018. Because the North Node will also still be here until July (having entered in January 2021), it can bring an extra amplification! As the food, money and earth Sign, Jupiter, the benefic, entering here should hopefully help give us some expansion, growth, and optimism in these areas! It can also, however bring an over-consumption or exaggeration in this area and so temperance is wise.

Venus retrograde

A final main theme of note is Venus going retrograde in Leo in July. Venus goes retrograde roughly every 18 months or so, the least often of all the Planets and so when it does, it is of note. Venus retrogrades can bring us reviews and revisitations in the relationships in our life as well as in money and style. We may reassess our love life or lovers from the past, feel the need to reconfigure our personal aesthetics and beauty, or the way in which we make and spend money.

In Leo, Venus is bold and creative. It can bring a review towards how we give and our relationship to the spotlight, it also highlights inner child themes.


So that’s an overview of the main themes of 2023’s Astrology, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any other questions. If you would like me to personally interpret your yearly horoscope for you, book in a 1:1 Year Ahead session with me!

To uncover the secrets of the cosmos yourself, get my Traditional Astrology 101 course! Or to learn Astrology yourself, get our Beginner’s Astrology Guidebook. For a monthly horoscope + Astro guidance instead- join me in the EXCLUSIVE Spirit Subscription

And for your own 2023 horoscope, get our NEW Zodiac Year Ahead Forecasts or the Astrology of the Year Report!