Archetypal Gemini


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Archetypal Gemini

Archetypal Gemini is the storyteller and communicator, it is curious, open, flexible, and keen to learn from people and the world around it— taking in information and breaking it down into digestible chunks. As Mutable Air, its ideas and mindset are changeable, receptive to fresh input, experimental, both interested and interesting.

This capacity for thought can lead to over-thinking and nervousness (its ruling body parts are the arms, hands, lungs, and nervous system).

Characteristics of Gemini

Gemini is a Diurnal, Mutable Air Sign. Diurnal Signs (Fire + Air) are more active and outward facing. Mutable Signs are the four ones that come at the end of the seasons— they are bringers of change and the new. Air Signs are the connectors, the bridges between people and places, the visionaries and messengers. As a Mutable Air Sign, Gemini can be seen as the most expressive, and excitable, of the bunch.

As Astrology is largely the study of the Planets, it helps to think about a Sign through which Planets are comfortable and at home in them, and which ones struggle in their domain.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the psychopomp that could travel between the worlds, relaying the messages of the other Gods and accompanying souls to the Underworld. Mercury/Hermes was one of the only Gods who could return from the Underworld and traverse all three domains. It is the only Planet that does not have a fixed “sect” (belonging to the day or night) as it is mutable and influenced by the Planets around it.

Mercury finds its so-called joy in the 1st House of Self, the Helm of the Horoscope— a fitting place for the Planet of expression as the first point of contact to the outside world. As such, Mercury rules not only the mind, how we think, take in and process information and communicate it in return, but also travel and divination.

As a trickster God, it presides over both thieves and scribes. The grey edges in between, quick and flitting, neither here nor there. It also rules friendship and siblings. Constellationally, this is the mythical Castor and Pollux, the twins. In Greco-Roman myth, when Hermes was born he stole Apollo’s cattle, after Zeus demanded he give them back, he played the lyre (which he had just invented) so beautifully Apollo allowed him to keep them in exchange for it.

Jupiter finds its detriment in Gemini as it is opposite its domicile, Sagittarius. Jupiter is Planet of faith and expansion, Gemini is the Sign of facts, figures, detail, data, analysis, and the nitty-gritty; naturally there is a mismatch. Whereas Jupiter is often attributed to honesty and piety (although mythologically and in practice Jupiter can also sometimes do what it wants), Mercury is cheeky and turns the concept of Truth on its head.

Continue reading for more details about the Gemini archetype:


Planets in Gemini

The Zodiac Seasons are governed by where the Sun currently is in the Zodiac (which is a division of the ecliptic— the apparent path of the Sun— into twelve Signs). When it is in the Sign of Gemini, we are collectively in Gemini Season. This usually occurs roughly between the 20th May - 20th June but depends on the day of the Equinox each year (which starts the Astrological cycle and is what the Tropical Zodiac Signs are based on, not the constellations as is commonly thought).

In the Northern Hemisphere (which “Western” Astrology is developed on), Gemini Season is the end of Spring— we have woken from the slumbers of Winter with a burst of life and Aries Season, fully eased and settled into it with Taurus Season, and now we can begin to feel the first whispers of warmer nights and longer evenings that signal the start of Summer on the horizon (and Cancer Season next). Here we are getting ready for summer break, the excitement is in the air!

Gemini Season

During Gemini Season our energy begins to pick up again, the longer days and heat refuel our reserves of energy, and as we can be more certain the weather holds out— there are more social plans to stick to!

This can be a useful time to dust off any final, lingering cobwebs and look to the world around you for inspiration. Meet with new people, explore new things, get crafting.

-> If you would like rituals and magick to connect to the energy of this period, get our Gemini Season Workbook!

Sun in Gemini

The Sun in Gemini is expressive, excitable, keen to learn, curious to try new things, and open to ideas, especially if you were born during the day you may resonate with this archetype. Other Planets and aspects notwithstanding, Gemini Suns can enjoy being around people, reading, writing, speaking, crafting, trying many things out whilst not being tied down by any one thing, learning, and laughing.

-> If you’re a Gemini, book in a Year Ahead Reading with me for details about what your Solar Return heralds for you!

Moon in Gemini

The Moon in Gemini can require a sense of freedom and diversity in their life, to be able to test things out without committing, and meeting a variety of people from all walks of life. If you were born during the night, the Moon is your main luminary of sect and so an important placement for you! The Moon in Gemini can also be excitable, curious, interested in the world around it and keen to share its story too.

Mercury in Gemini

Mercury in Gemini is domiciled and thus able to call upon its usual faculties of learning and discernment, of disseminating and dissecting. Mercury in Gemini can be quick and sharp— ideal for comedy! The spoken word and written language may appeal. This is the quintessential jack of all trades.

Venus in Gemini

Venus in Gemini is curious and flirty, friendship can be a strong component in relationships, and a sense of social belonging outside of a romantic relationship is also important. Courting through the intellect— witty banter— is well received. It also appreciates keeping things light-hearted and open.

Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini can sometimes feel like scattered actions, it is so curious and keen to try out *all the things* it can lead to challenges in seeing things through to completion for the long-term. Mars in Gemini wants to be free to follow its whims, interests, and go wherever its curiosity leads it!

Jupiter in Gemini

Jupiter in Gemini appreciates the facts and figures, it wants cold, hard proof. As it is its place of detriment, it can struggle to call upon its usual faith and optimism here. Jupiter in Gemini values the multitude of truths present in the world but can get stuck on the fine print when sometimes the bigger picture is necessary!

Saturn in Gemini

Saturn in Gemini values the spoken word and power of language. It appreciates getting the facts straight and can be pernickety in the details. Saturn in Gemini can also be a bit of a skeptic, not taking answers on face value, or allowing for a multitude of truths to exist. Similarly to Jupiter here, it can also find it hard to trust, preferring proven answers.

As another social Planet, along with Jupiter, people born within the same 2-3 years as you will have Saturn in Gemini, thus look to other placements for more personalised details (such as the House it is in, what aspects it is making, and the Capricorn/Aquarius Houses of your Chart, as well as where your Mercury is).


Gemini in the Houses

In each of our Natal Charts, Gemini will occupy a House (regardless of whether you have placements in Gemini or not), bringing its curious expressiveness to this area of life for us.

When a Planet enters Gemini, it is transiting this House for us, bringing its energy to this area of life (this is how horoscopes are written). To learn more about what the Planets have in store for you, get your Zodiac Year Ahead Forecast Report!

Gemini in the 1st House - Gemini Rising

Gemini Risings can embody the quintessential Geminian archetype— open, curious, flexible, expressive, excitable. They may have an interest in language and storytelling, as well as learning and meeting new people. Friendship may play an important role for them.

Gemini in the 2nd House - Taurus Rising

With Gemini in the 2nd House you may have multiple revenue streams or find your income fluctuates. Your money mindset might change from time to time, and you may appreciate spending your money on experiences, education, learning, books, and people rather.

Gemini in the 3rd House - Aries Rising

Gemini in the 3rd House can bring a curious, open mindset. You may enjoy learning, perhaps from people and experience rather than higher education, but writing, reading, and speaking to some capacity may be important for you. Either way— express yourself!

Gemini in the 4th House - Pisces Rising

Gemini in the 4th House can bring a desire for your family to feel like friends, as well as a changeability in your home life. You may frequently change your place of residence or home decor, and cities may suit you well.

Gemini in the 5th House - Aquarius Rising

Gemini in the 5th House can bring a desire to be courted for your intellect or through witty banter and flirting, comedy and friendship can be important features. You may enjoy a variety of hobbies and enjoy trying new things out, learning may be a favourite pastime.

Gemini in the 6th House - Capricorn Rising

Gemini in the 6th House can bring a need for friendship amongst your colleagues and desire for flexible daily routines. You might enjoy using your words to be of service, and nervousness or overthinking may have a particularly strong effect on your health.

Gemini in the 7th House - Sagittarius Rising

With Gemini in the 7th House you may appreciate partnerships with open communication and partners who are curious in learning about you and the world. A strong basis of friendship may be important as well as fun and witty banter.

Gemini in the 8th House - Scorpio Rising

With Gemini in the 8th House you may prefer to diversity your investment portfolio and change things up in your shared spaces. Healing through your intergenerational line by storytelling and self-expression can be particularly powerful.

Gemini in the 9th House - Libra Rising

Gemini in the 9th House can bring a curiosity in spirituality and travel or foreign cultures as well as desire to dabble and try different things out without delving too deep (as with all placements, its nature of course depends on the rest of your Natal Chart)!

Gemini in the 10th House - Virgo Rising

Gemini in the 10th House can bring a desire to wear many hats and ability to diversify within your roles. Your public appearance may be changeable and networking, collaboration, and storytelling in some capacity can be well featured (look to your MC).

Gemini in the 11th House - Leo Rising

Gemini in the 11th House may prefer a diverse and eclectic friendship group with many different types of people. You might enjoy socialising and conversing with people from all walks of life. Either way, a sense of self-expression and banter is important.

Gemini in the 12th House - Cancer Rising

Gemini in the 12th House can have a changeable attitude to spirituality, solitude, and mental health. Being open and curious to these areas and your subconscious, dreams, and any patterns of self-undoing, viewing them through the spirit of learning, can be useful.

Spend time with the Gemini House of your Chart and pay attention during Gemini Season (and the transit of other Planets through Gemini) for what comes up for you!


So that’s a brief overview of archetypal Gemini, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

For a personalised Astrology reading, book in a 1:1 session with me, I’d be honoured to be your celestial guide. To uncover the secrets of the cosmos yourself, enrol in my Traditional Astrology 101 course!

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