Archetypal Libra


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Archetypal Libra

Archetypal Libra is a mediating, diplomatic Sign that seeks to like and be liked. It has a strong eye for aesthetics and deeply understands the value of partnership. Libra is keen to balance the scales and find a level of homeostasis in all that it does.

Ruled by Venus, the Planet of love, connection, values, taste (and distaste), money, and politeness; Libra is considerate and eager to get along. As a Cardinal Air Sign, it is a connector, a bridger of ideas and bringer together of people.

Less forthright than the other Cardinal Signs, Libra prefers to gather the opinions of all concerned so it can make the “best” decision before taking action! In this, it can lead to the classic Libran decision fatigue or choice paralysis. Overall, Libra strongly understands that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.

Characteristics of Libra

Libra is a Diurnal, Cardinal Air Sign. Diurnal Signs (Fire + Air) are more active and outward-facing. Cardinal Signs are the leaders initiating the seasons (in this case the Autumn Equinox). Air Signs are intellectual (as in mental processors rather than feelers), conversationalists, and visionary.

The Libra archetype is strongly romantic and generally prefers to be partnered. It has the capacity to beautify all that it touches. It also has a strong sense of fairness— it knows right from wrong!


The Planets and Libra

As Astrology is the study of the Planets, it can be useful to think about a Zodiac Sign through which Planets are comfortable and at home in them, and which ones struggle in their domain.

Libra is ruled by Venus, Aphrodite in Greco mythology. Venus governs what we desire, attract, and are attracted to. Venus in Libra is able to call upon the capacity for form in beauty. A romantic, the Planet of love is very well-suited here. Whereas Venus in its nocturnal domicile of Taurus is the beauty of a garden, Venus in its diurnal domicile is the beauty of an art gallery.

Venus is of the night “Sect”, known as the “lesser benefic” in comparison to Jupiter, Venusian things often happen in the night ;)

Venus fittingly finds its so-called “joy” in the 5th House of Pleasure. This House deals with our creativity, sex and sexuality, pastimes, hobbies, dance, sports, joy, and children.

Saturn is exalted in Libra, which I just love. Saturn exalted in Libra is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and discipline required to build strong, durable relationships. It also shows the importance of boundaries, integrity, time, and steadfastness needed. In this I can also see the commitment needed for the beauty of ballet or creation of a masterpiece— we need to put in our 10,000 hours!

As the Sun exalts in Aries, it finds its fall in Libra, the Sign opposite. The Sun is the Planet of the Self, Libra is the Sign of the Other, naturally there is a mismatch here. In Libra, the Sun can sometimes struggle to centre itself, defaulting to putting others first or people-pleasing.

Mars is also detrimented in Libra as it is is the ruler of Aries. Mars in Libra can find it hard to call upon its usual boldness and directness— Libra is the Planet of pleasantries and social niceties, brash Mars is not so comfortable here! Taking decisive action can be even more challenging for those with Mars in Libra, as well as advocating for oneself.

Continue reading for more details about the Zodiac Sign Libra:


The Planets in Libra

The Zodiac Seasons are governed by where the Sun currently is in the Zodiac belt (which is a division of the ecliptic— the apparent path of the Sun— into twelve equal Signs). When it is in the Sign of Libra, we are collectively in Libra Season.

This usually occurs roughly between the 22nd September - 22nd October but depends on the day of the Equinox each year (which also starts the Astrological cycle and is what the Tropical Zodiac Signs are based on— not the constellations as is commonly thought), the Sun spending roughly 30 days in each Sign thereafter, moving 1º a day.

In the Northern Hemisphere (which “Western” Astrology is developed on), Libra Season kicks off Autumn, a time of finalising our harvests and beginning to wind down for the rest of the year. This when we would have begun to pool our resources together to make it through.

But we’re not quite in the bleakness of Winter yet! Here we have just entered, the air is crisp and the crunchy leaves are beginning to fall— there is time for whimsy and to romanticise the cosy jumpers and warm beverages.

Libra Season

During Libra Season can be wonderful time to focus on the important relationships in your life and to have a makeover! Complete any cleaning and cleansing you started in Virgo Season, finalise any mending you have to do, and give your wardrobe a fresh start.

Spruce up your hair and makeup, dust out the last cobwebs from your house, and begin to get ready to batten down the hatches! Romanticise your life with all the quaint Autumn activities before the bitter chill sets in— even better if you do it in pairs!

-> If you would like rituals and magick to connect to the energy of this period, get the Libra Season Workbook (created for all Zodiac Signs)!

Of course, no Planet can be taken in isolation when reading a Birth Chart for a personality analysis, but here is a brief overview:

Sun in Libra

The Sun in Libra is relational, charming, and socially-minded. It is keen to get along and has the capacity to make others feel good and be liked in return! It’s also justice-oriented and so things need to feel fair, just, and reciprocal. Don’t forget to put yourself first!

-> If you’re a Libra, book in your Year Ahead Reading with me for details about what your Solar Return heralds for you!

Moon in Libra

The Moon in Libra can have an even stronger need to be in partnership. A romantic at heart, it needs things to feel balanced and harmonious. An aesthetic environment is also strongly appreciated!

Mercury in Libra

Mercury in Libra is considerate and thoughtful, able to put others first. It has a rational, mediating capacity— the perfect diplomat! Mercury in Libra has an eye for aesthetics and how to make things beautiful.

Venus in Libra

Venus in Libra is at home and thus with strong desires to be in partnership and for things to be beautiful. Venus in Libra understands the importance of relationships and design! Beautiful things have the capacity to get the message across more easily.

Mars in Libra

Mars in Libra is considerate, mediating actions. It prefers to default to what others think is best and is keen to make the “right” decision. It can be useful for those with Mars in Libra to think about what you would do if you were alone! Also the concept that we can be both candid and kind, and that it doesn’t need to be disagreeable to disagree can help.

Jupiter in Libra

Jupiter in Libra is able to call upon an expansive sense of justice and harmony, with strong beliefs in fairness and the concept of Beauty. This is the natural state of the world after all. Relationships also take centre-stage.

Its placement in your Chart can also speak to your Sagittarius and Pisces placements/Houses.

Saturn in Libra

Saturn in Libra deeply understands the work needed to be put in for healthy relationships and creation of a magnum opus, that beauty is not to be taken lightly. The concept of justice and reciprocity are also strong here.

As another social Planet, along with Jupiter, people born within the same 2-3 years as you will have Saturn in Libra— you can look to other placements for more personalised details (such as the House it is in, what aspects it is making, and the Capricorn/Aquarius Houses of your Chart, as well as where your Venus is).


Libra in the Astrological Houses

In each of our Natal Charts, Virgo will occupy a House (regardless of whether you have placements in Libra or not), bringing its desire for beauty, harmony, and fairness to this area of ourselves and life for us.

-> When a Planet enters Libra, it is transiting this House for us, bringing its energy/action to this area of life (this is how all horoscopes are written)! To learn more about what the Planets have in store for you, get your Year Ahead Forecast!

Libra in the 1st House - Libra Rising

Libra Risings can embody the quintessential Libran archetype— charming, sociable, and aesthetically-oriented. You might prefer to be partnered and curate your look carefully. Finding a sense of harmony and balance in all that you do is key!

Libra in the 2nd House - Virgo Rising

With Libra in the 2nd House you may appreciate to spend money on beautiful things of fine quality and design, as well as on your partner. There will need to be an even flow of money coming and out (no extremes!) and sense of fair pricing for your work.

Libra in the 3rd House - Leo Rising

Libra in the 3rd House can give you a considerate mindset with capacity to charm! You may seek to see others’ point of view and prefer harmony and balance with your neighbours and relatives (no drama here)!

Libra in the 4th House - Cancer Rising

With Libra in the 4th House you may need your home environment to be aesthetically-pleasing and curated with beautiful pieces. A sense of harmony within your family life is key.

Libra in the 5th House - Gemini Rising

Libra in the 5th House may prefer to spend time and have fun partnered, get romantic! You may enjoy making things of beauty and enjoy doing what the group consensus is for fun. Harmony amongst children, if any, is important.

Libra in the 6th House - Taurus Rising

Libra in the 6th House needs to have a beautiful work environment and fair relations with colleagues. You may enjoy running daily errands with your partner. Either way, a sense of balance in your work-life is key.

Libra in the 7th House - Aries Rising

With Libra in the 7th House you may be attracted to (or attract to you) partners that are charming, sociable, and aesthetically-oriented. Having a sense of reciprocity and harmony in your intimate relationships is key.

Libra in the 8th House - Pisces Rising

With Libra in the 8th House you might like your investments and joint ventures to be balanced and harmonious— no extremes. Things you collaborate in need to feel just and balanced.

Libra in the 9th House - Aquarius Rising

Libra in the 9th House can bring an appreciate for beauty, justice, and partnership. You might value reciprocity and prefer going on broad, expansive adventures with your partner (whereas in other areas of life you might prefer to go it alone)!

Libra in the 10th House - Capricorn Rising

Libra in the 10th House can make you a good networker as you can be professionally charming. Working with the arts or your partner can also be well-aligned, as well as within themes of love, design, and justice. Either way, it needs to feel balanced and reciprocal.

Libra in the 11th House - Sagittarius Rising

With Libra in the 11th House you need your friendships to feel fair, balanced, harmonious, and reciprocal— an even give and take! You might like your partners to also be your friends.

Libra in the 12th House - Scorpio Rising

Libra in the 12th House brings a need for a balanced, harmonious inner world and mental health. Reviewing what justice and fairness, as well as partnership, means to you can be useful.

During Libra Season itself is a particularly yin time for you of turning within and spending time introspecting in solitude.


So that’s a brief overview of the characteristics of archetypal Libra, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

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