Full Moon in Pisces Ritual


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Full Moon in Pisces Ritual

Full Moon rituals are a wonderful way to connect with the energy of the Moon as well as yourself, this area of your Natal Chart, and the current Zodiac Season we find ourselves in.

Acting as an anchor and moment of presence in the month, to sit in simple ceremony with ourselves, is a wonderful way to bring the sacred into our mundane, and come back to the cyclicality of time as well as our ancestral ways. They are also powerful ways to transform.

Before we go on to how to do a ritual for the Full Moon in Pisces specifically, let’s briefly cover what exactly a Full Moon is, what Full Moon rituals are, and what a Full Moon in Pisces is:

What is a Full Moon?

A Full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are visually opposite one another in the sky from our vantage point on earth, in opposing Zodiac Signs by exact degree (e.g. the Sun at 4º Virgo (i.e. four days into Virgo Season), and the Moon at 4º Pisces).

A Full Moon always occurs in the Zodiac Sign opposing the current Season we are in, which can be seen as different sides of the same coin— these Signs are of the same duality/polarity (either Diurnal or Nocturnal), and of the same mode/quality (Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable).

The polarities are:

  • Aries - Libra (In Aries Season— when the Sun is in Aries, meaning it has crossed the Vernal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere— we will have a Full Moon in Libra when the Moon reaches the same degree of Aries the Sun is at. During Libra Season, we will have a Full Moon in Aries instead and so on. This is a Diurnal Cardinal pairing)

  • Taurus - Scorpio (Fixed Nocturnal)

  • Gemini - Sagittarius (Mutable Diurnal)

  • Cancer - Capricorn (Cardinal Nocturnal)

  • Leo - Aquarius (Fixed Diurnal)

  • Virgo - Pisces (Mutable Nocturnal)

While the Zodiac Seasons occur roughly at the same time each year as the Sun moves about 1º per day (hence why it is easy to do Sun (“star”) Sign Astrology), the exact date of the Full Moon (or corresponding New Moon in the same Zodiac Sign more or less 6 months earlier) will vary.

-> If you’re a Virgo (Sun), book in a Year Ahead Reading with me for details about what your Solar Return heralds for you!

As the Sun and Moon are opposing one another on a Full Moon, it is a time of heightened emotions and things literally coming to light, of being illuminated. The Sun is the representation of our lifeforce energy, our consciousness, ego, vitality, and sense of self; the Moon is our inner world, subconscious, intuition, body, emotions, and needs.

As the lunar cycle was begun roughly 2 weeks before on the New Moon (when the Sun and Moon were aligned), a Full Moon can also be seen as the peak of the cycle— the harvest phase. We planted our seeds in our New Moon ritual as the Moon grew (“waxed”), now it has reached maximum potency on the Full Moon, after which it will begin to decrease in light and wrap up its cycle (“wane”).

Thus, Full Moons are typically seen as times for both shedding and releasing that which no longer serves, as well as expressing gratitude for any abundance we have reaped thus far.

Full Moon in Pisces

A Full Moon in Pisces specifically can be good for shedding any enmeshment, escapism, and overwhelm. It is a good time for clearing out any avoidance issues and making sure strong boundaries are in place.

Archetypal Pisces is porous like a sponge, easily absorbing the energy of people and places around it. Thus, it can be good to release martyrdom or victimhood, as well as simultaneously allowing yourself to dream, believe, and float (get daydreaming!); while also grounding and engaging in embodiment practices.

Pay attention to the night sky when the Moon is in Pisces and take note of how your body feels.

This is a Moon that is ruled by Jupiter and so it can be useful to pay extra attention to what Saturn is currently doing in the sky, as well as where it is in your Natal Chart.


Pisces Full Moon Ritual

Most Full Moon rituals tend to focus on the letting go of anything outdated or unaligned, as well as seeing what has grown since the corresponding New Moon either two weeks earlier, or in the same Zodiac Sign roughly 6 months earlier (in this case during Pisces Season).

Here is the basis for all my Full Moon rituals:

  1. Cleanse your space - When beginning any ritual it is useful to start with a clean slate. This can be done by ringing a bell or spraying an aura mist (such as a DIY crystal and Reiki-infused Moon water with essential oils); opening windows and smoke cleansing; throwing salt in the corners and sweeping it out anti-clockwise; or mopping with a herbal wash.

  2. Set up elemental circle - Many rituals begin by calling in the elements, this acts as a grounding and protective focal point. Tools I like to use are incense in the East for Air (or feathers/bells etc.); candles in South for Fire; a bowl of water in the West for Water; and crystals (or plants) in the North for Earth.

    You can put them where the directions actually are (using a compass if you don’t know where the Sun rises/sets), or using your left as the East (like I do as this is how an Astrology Chart is read). Call upon the assistance of each element for fresh insight and new beginnings, grounded spirit, intuitive wisdom, and rooted guidance respectively as you do so.

  3. Centre + ground yourself - I like to do breathwork followed by a visualisation meditation. This could be a few deep breaths or Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing). Then I visualise any excess energy draining from me like a waterfall and my roots growing down into the earth, with my energetic cord rooting me right to the centre and extending up above me. I fill myself with a warm, bright light and extend it outward to the whole world and encase myself in a protective bubble.

  4. Journal on what you wish to release - Write down what you wish to let go of and surrender, you can finish with “so it is” and sign or date it. I also like to begin by pulling Tarot cards first to see what messages come through for me. Get a Full Moon Tarot reading with me here!

  5. Burn your paper - Safely (using tweezers) burn what you are seeking to release in your candle and let the ash drop into your bowl of water, really feel it leaving you as you do so. I like to sprinkle some salt on top afterwards. Ask the fire to help purify and regenerate you, symbolically throwing any last debris into the flames. Take a moment to visualise how it feels to be without this thing now.

  6. Flush it away - Thank Mother Nature and the Spirit of Water and Fire for their assistance in helping you to shed and release, and flush the remains down the drain— again visualising it leaving you and going back to the ocean to be absorbed and transmuted into something else. Snuff out your candle and let the incense burn down on its own as an offering, thank the rest of the elements for their guidance.

  7. BONUS: Cleansing bath - As a Water element Sign, Pisces is strongly attuned to bodies of water. Running a bath (or shower) with salt, Epsom salts, essential oils, and crystals can be especially soothing now. Ask the water to help cleanse any lingering stagnancy, dip your head under 3 times, and visualise it washing down the drain. Cord-cutting rituals can also be particularly effective now.

When crafting your own ritual, apart from the basics listed above— tailored to the corresponding Zodiac Sign and your own preferences— you can also align your rituals with where in your Natal Chart the Full Moon is personally occurring in for you, i.e. the House it is falling in. Read on for how:


Pisces Full Moon in the Houses

We each have all the Zodiac Signs in one of our “Houses” in our Natal Chart, these are like areas of life— when Planets are transiting through them their energy is expressed in this area of life for us. Anchoring your Full Moon intentions to the House it is falling in for you can help to personalise your experience of the cosmos…

Pisces Full Moon in the 1st House (Pisces Rising)

This is your Moon! It’s the perfect time of year for you to shed and release any outdated identity patterns or layers of self. Let go and surrender anything that is personally holding you back and look to how you wish to show up in the world.

-> To find out what’s on the menu for you this year, get your Year Ahead Forecast report!

Pisces Full Moon in the 2nd House (Aquarius Rising)

This is the perfect Full Moon to release any limiting money mindset patterns. It can relate to your finances in general, how you make an income, your values and money mindset, or your skills, resources, talents, and self-worth.

Pisces Full Moon in the 3rd House (Capricorn Rising)

This is a good Full Moon to release any blocks to your self-expression or mindset patterns. It can also relate to learning, writing, speaking, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, childhood education, and local neighbourhood. Known as the House of Goddess traditionally, it also relates to crafts and divination.

Pisces Full Moon in the 4th House (Sagittarius Rising)

This is a good time to shed and release anything that no longer serves in relation to your home and family, sense of belonging, and literal house. It can also be related to real estate and property, or your lineage, ancestry, and upbringing.

Pisces Full Moon in the 5th House (Scorpio Rising)

This is a good Full Moon to shed and release any blocks to your pleasure, joy, fun, romance, sex and sexuality, creativity, play, hobbies, passion, pastimes, and children (or related themes such as inner child). Allow yourself to indulge!

Pisces Full Moon in the 6th House (Libra Rising)

This is a good Full Moon to release any limiting work or health blockages. It can be related to your general wellness but also the daily structure of your day, habits, routines, rituals, as well as your colleagues, job, professional environment, acts of service, and pets.

Pisces Full Moon in the 7th House (Virgo Rising)

It’s your Season to shine! This can be a good Full Moon to release any outdated relationship patterns or blockages in your intimate, one-on-one partnerships (including your spouse, best friend, business partner, private clients etc.).

-> If you would like more rituals and Moon magic to connect to the energy of this period, get my Virgo Season Workbook!

Pisces Full Moon in the 8th House (Leo Rising)

This can be a good Full Moon for transmuting pain, fears, and anxieties, as well as what you’ve inherited— literally or figuratively. It can also be a good one to set boundaries with (as well as dealing with investments, taxes, grants, and debts).


Pisces Full Moon in the 9th House (Cancer Rising)

This can be a good Full Moon to release any outdated beliefs and ideals, as well as assess your relationship to adventure, your personal philosophy and worldview (literally or figuratively), religion, spirituality, or themes relating to higher education or publishing.

Pisces Full Moon in the 10th House (Gemini Rising)

This is a good time to shed and release any professional or career blockages. It can relate to your legacy, public image, recognition, ambitions, projects, and sense of calling or purpose and vocation, as well as how you show up in the world at large.

Pisces Full Moon in the 11th House (Taurus Rising)

This can be a good Full Moon to shed and release any blockages to your sense of communal belonging and friendship, to new alliances and your aspirations, as well as aspects relating to social media, groups, and memberships.

Pisces Full Moon in the 12th House (Aries Rising)

This is a good Full Moon for releasing any patterns of self-undoing, of working with your subconscious, shadow work, dreams, mental health, limiting beliefs, and spirituality. Spending time in deep solitude, rest, retreat, and introspection can be particularly healing.

-> For an easy intro to the Zodiac Signs + Houses, I adore Chani Nicholas’ book!


So that’s an overview of Full Moon in Pisces rituals you can do and how to connect it to your own Chart, I hope it’s insightful for you! Share in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

For a personalised Astrology reading, book in a 1:1 session with me, I’d be honoured to be your celestial guide. To discover the secrets of the cosmos yourself, join hundreds of other mystic seekers and enrol in my Traditional Astrology 101 course!

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