What to Know About the Nodes Moving into the Aries-Libra Axis


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Nodes in Aries and Libra

One of the defining Astrological features of the year is the Lunar Nodes moving into the Aries-Libra axis, where they will stay from July 2023 until January 2025. Traditionally, the Nodes point to places of increase or hunger (North Node) and points of lessening and decrease (South Node).

Read on for what this means collectively and for you personally!


What to Know About the Nodes Moving into the Aries-Libra Axis

The Nodes of the Moon are physical points in space where the Moon’s orbit intersects the the ecliptic (the apparent path of the Sun around the Earth). They move backwards through the Zodiac Signs and stay in each one for roughly 18 months, completing a cycle every 18 years or so. You can look back to then for clues about this upcoming transit!

Every 9 years there will be reverse Nodal return, i.e. 9 years ago the South Node was in Aries and the North Node was in Libra, whereas now the North Node is entering Aries and the South Node is entering Libra. It can also be useful to look back to then for echoes of this one as this is the same House axis being highlighted and activated in your Birth Chart.

When we have a personal Nodal Return, or reverse Nodal Return, every 18 and 9 years respectively, it is like a check-in time for our personal alignment in life, to integrate what lessons we’ve learned over the past years (occurring at roughly 9, 18, 27, 36, 42-years old etc.). These can be times of shifting priorities, of growth, learning, and letting go.

You can read more about major Astrological milestones in life on Chani Nicholas’ blog here.

Nodes and the Eclipses

As the Nodes are the point in the sky where the Sun and Moon are exactly aligned, when a New Moon or Full Moon occurs close enough to the Nodes is when they will gear up for the optical illusion of an Eclipse.

Thus, Eclipses are bookends that tell chapters of a story in the larger, over-arching 18-month story. Each Eclipse comes in pairs, the Solar Eclipse (when a New Moon- the Sun and Moon in conjunction by degree in the same Zodiac Sign- occurs near the the Nodes) and a Lunar Eclipse (a Full Moon, when the Sun and Moon are in opposition to each other across Zodiacal polarities) two weeks later.

There are usually about 4 Eclipses a year, and 6-8 Eclipses per Sign in each axis story. The first pair is like setting the stage and opening of the story; by the time the next pair rolls around six months later we are usually a little clearer about what this Nodal story is telling for us; and by the last instalment 6 months after that it is usually a wrapping up and winding down of climax and arc-line in this area of our life, getting ready to move on to the next change.

Traditionally, Eclipses were deemed as harbingers of major change, new beginnings, and endings. During an Eclipse season the energy can feel a little chaotic or unstable, woozy and Mercury retrogrady. The Astrological House in which the Nodes are moving through for us personally (based on our Rising Sign using Whole Sign Houses) will dictate in which area of life we will see this change.

Meaning of the North Node

In ancient times when all of life was dictated by the Sun and Moon, before electricity, Eclipses were feared events. With the light of our precious life-giving Sun or tidal Moon being blocked out, ill omens were feared.

Thus, the North Node was associated as the Dragon’s Head, eating the luminaries. It was seen as a place of increase and hunger. In our Natal Charts it can show us where we are insatiable, as well as where we are growing towards.

When it is transiting an area of our Natal Chart (House), we can expect a growth of themes and activity here.

Meaning of the South Node

Similarly, the South Node was associated with the “Dragon’s Tail” and thus a point of lessening and decrease, of purge and release. When the transiting South Node is on top of one of our personal Planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars), it can bring a sense of depletion, lethargy, or exhaustion (if one of these Planets is the ruler of your 7th House of Relationship though, for example, it could be your partner that feels this way)!

Where the South Node is in our Natal Charts is typically said to show us areas we are comfortable in and naturally default to, it can almost be seen as a complement to the Rising Sign or Sect Light (Sun for day births, Moon for night births) in some ways as a natural mode of being.

This can also be where we can release the less constructive delineations of that Zodiac Sign. For example, if we have the South Node in Libra Natally, we could move away from putting others first and indecisiveness.

Nodes in the Aries-Libra Axis

Collectively, what this can mean with a transiting Aries North Node and Libra South Node is an increase in Arian themes of independence, autonomy, ego, boldness, bravery, brashness, impulsivity, energy, youthfulness, childishness, impatience, ambition, action, drive, and hot-headedness; with a decrease in Libran themes of relationality, compromise, people-pleasing, justice, art, peace, connection, aesthetics, design, partnership, collaboration, harmony, and balance.

However, often it is not as clear-cut as an increase in one (hopefully the more constructive elements) and a decrease in the other (hopefully the less constructive attributes); but really both archetypal themes are highlighted.

Thus, both Aries and Libra concepts of self vs others, independence vs partnership will simply be highlighted over these coming months. Relationships and individuality in general will be major themes.

Jan Spiller has written an essential book on the subject if you would like to learn more about the Nodes here.

Here’s what each Sign can expect personally:

Aries/Libra Risings

MAJOR identity change and how you relate to others, particularly in your personal relationships. Buckle up! A 1st House/7th House Nodal transit is one of the most transformative we can have!

Typically during this time Aries and Libra Risings may come into a stronger sense of self and identity, a shedding of old layers and outdated ways of being. You may also feel more tired, depleted, or exhausted than usual (or your partner might).

Similarly, this can be a time when many Aries and Libra Risings meet their partners or deepen their intimate relationships, it can be a time of experimentation, marriage, or breakups and divorce. The focus is on love to others and self-love.

Taurus/Scorpio Risings

Phew, breathe a sigh of relief guys the Nodes are moving out of your 1st House/7th House! You and your personal relationships have likely undergone some MAJOR change since January 2022!

Now, the Nodes are moving into your 12th House/6th House axis indicating highlighted themes between the balance of work-life, health and wellness, physical and mental health, and patterns of self-undoing and over-giving for the next months. Give yourself what you need.

This can be a good time to implement new rituals, habits, and routines that support your wellbeing inside and out, on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Exploring the realms of your inner psyche, dreams, and subconscious is also well-suited now! If you have the capacity to go to a retreat or be of service in some way that is well-aspected now. Also- pets!

Gemini/Sagittarius Risings

For you, Aries and Libra is your 11th House/5th House axis, thus themes of friendship, community, groups, memberships, alliances, networking, hopes and wishes, the collective; and sense of creativity and creative output, joy, pleasure, sex and sexuality, hobbies and pastimes, and children or related themes (such as inner child) will become relevant- enjoy! This is certainly one of the funner House axes.

Using Whole Sign Houses, this is also potentially where your Midheaven-IC line may be and so themes of career, reputation, vocation, life path, recognition, legacy, and home, family, upbringing, ancestry, and story of origin may also be relevant if this is the case for you.


Cancer/Capricorn Risings

For you this will call in to question themes between lineage and legacy, the balance between private and public life; your career, vocation, purpose, profession, public image, recognition, and your home and family, origin story, childhood upbringing, parental figures.

Along with a 1st House/7th House Nodal transit, a 10th House/4th House transit is the second-most important! This is still a foundational pillar of your Chart and so for you, being the other Cardinal Signs along with Aries and Libra, these next 18 months will still be quite significant!

Leo/Aquarius Risings

For you Leo and Aquarius, Aries and Libra represent your 9th and 3rd Houses, thus themes of higher education, learning, spirituality, travel, foreigners and exotic cultures, religion, Astrology, beliefs, worldview, personal philosophy, and publishing; as well as communication, self-expression, mindset and mentality, early childhood learning experience, divination, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and local neighbourhood may be relevant for you these months!

This could look something like taking up a new craft or writing a book, going abroad or expanding your horizons, either way it can be a buoyant time!

From 2024 you will also have Pluto transiting your 7th House/1st House axis and so you may appreciate reading my article on Pluto in Aquarius too!

Virgo/Pisces Risings

For you, Aries and Libra represent your 8th House/2nd House axis and so themes of personal resources, finances, money, income, money mindset, values, self-worth, possessions, skills, and talents; as well as shared resources and other people’s money such as your partner’s, debt, tax, grants, inheritance and cycles of life, death, and rebirth, including fears, anxieties, emotional baggage, and boundaries may all become relevant for you over these coming months.

Boundaries in particular are already present themes for you dear Virgo/Pisces Rising! This is a good time for working on the distinction between what is yours and what is not.

As you also have Saturn transiting your 7th House/1st House, you might like to check out my post on Saturn in Pisces!

If you would like me to personally interpret what this Astrological transit may represent for you and the nuance of your Natal Chart personally, book in a private 1:1 session with me here! I’d be honoured to guide you.


So that’s an overview of what we can expect out of the Nodes moving into the Aries-Libra axis, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

For a personalised Astrology reading, book in a 1:1 Year Ahead session with me. To uncover the secrets of the cosmos yourself, enrol in my Traditional Astrology 101 course! Or for a small taster, get my Beginner’s Astrology Guidebook.

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