Summer Solstice Rituals
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Summer Solstice Rituals
Summer Solstice rituals are a wonderful way to harness what was traditionally considered one of the most auspicious times of the year, when the Sun— our source of life— was at its peak. Cross-culturally across the world the Equinoxes and Solstices have been honoured for hundreds of years as sacred passages of time and a way to connect to ourselves and each other.
Summer Solstice midsummer celebrations, typically, feature fire in some way. Read on for more about what the Solstices are and rituals you can perform to honour them.
What are the Solstices?
The Solstices (Summer and Winter) are times when the Sun is either visually at its highest or lowest from Earth, due to our elliptical orbit. They represent either the longest day of the year in the case of the Summer Solstice, and our gradual descent into shorter days (in the Northern Hemisphere usually occurring around June 20th); or the shortest day of the year with the gradual return to light and longer days on the Winter Solstice (usually around December 20th in the North).
The word Solstice is from the Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still), because at the Solstices it appears to stand still.
The Summer Solstice
The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year and signals the start of Cancer Season. “Western” Astrology is seasonal, not constellational as is often thought. It starts on the Vernal (Spring) Equinox as the start of Aries Season and cycles through a Zodiac Sign every 30 days (as the Sun moves roughly 1º a day and there are 12 Zodiac Signs, 360º in Astrological wheel / 12 Zodiac Signs = 30 days a Sign).
The Signs that fall on the Solstices and Equinoxes are known as Cardinal Signs because they initiate the Seasons. These are Aries and the Vernal Equinox, Cancer and the Summer Solstice, Libra aligning with the Autumnal Equinox, and Capricorn with the Winters Solstice.
These are days of the year when many ancient historical sites align with the Sun, for example Stonehenge, Macchu Picchu (Winter), the Pyramids of Giza, Chaco Canyon, Newgrange (Winter) etc.
The Equinoxes and Solstices are also a part of the Celtic and Pagan Wheel of the Year, called quarter holidays. The Spring Equinox is Ostara, the Summer Solstice is Litha, the Autumn Equinox is Mabon, and the Winter Solstice is Yule (the cross-quarter holidays fall in between the Equinoxes and Solstices— Beltane on May 1st, Lammas/Lughnasadh on August 1st, Samhain/All Hallows Day on November 1st, and Imbolc/Candlemas on February 1st)
On the Summer Solstice the Sun is considered at its strongest and most powerful, as it is the longest day of the year; thus, it was used to search for and pick herbs with, believing it would imbue its potent properties into the plants, to set intentions with, create talismans and amulets, cast spells, brew potions, and do fire rituals.
Wikicomms: Gothika
Summer Solstice Rituals
As mentioned, working with the energy of the Sun on the Summer Solstice can be a powerful way to harness some of its vibrancy and power, typically these consist of nature-based and outdoor activities, as well as engaging with fire or solar activities (such as dancing).
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Here are some Summer Solstice ritual ideas to celebrate:
1. Rise with the Sun - This is my number one favourite ritual because it is simple yet effective. Simply wake up at sunrise and get the first light into your eyes (safely, not through a window). Greet the Sun, thank it for its life-giving energy, and set an intention for what you wish to harness. To complete, watching the sunset is also beautiful (and safely sunbathing in the midday Sun)!
2. Create Sun tea - Again, another simple yet effective ritual. Simply brew some tea (with freshly picked herbs if possible!) and leave it outside in the Sun, allowing it to soak up the warmth (some people even like to make a cold infusion directly this way). Stir in your intentions and mindfully drink it. Sun related herbs include calendula, marigold, and St John’s Wort.
3. Cleanse your crystals, jewellery + divination tools - Leave any Sun-safe objects you wish to cleanse and charge with the energy of the Sun outside for a while and program them with an intention when you bring them in.
4. Do a burning ritual - If you are a part of my Spirit Subscription you’ll know I swear by burning rituals! And there’s no other day as powerful as the Summer Solstice on which to shed and release what no longer serves you using fire. Light a candle, write down what you wish to let go of, and safely burn it using tweezers— I like to keep a bowl of water nearby to drop the ash in. Flush it down the toilet once you’re done and thank the Elements for their assistance. You can also quickly (and carefully) “sain” any firesafe objects in the fire before you blow it out to purify them by moving them backwards and forwards quickly through the flame. You can also do a flame-gazing meditation (tataka) and see what visions come out to you.
5. Forage - Many traditions believed that any herbs, plants, fruits, flowers, and vegetables picked on the Summer Solstice were imbued with its potent energy— any balms, potions, or concoctions you also make with them after are said to be supercharged!
6. Have a bonfire - Any marking of time is a special way to honour the seasons and gather together, having a bonfire, singing, and dancing are a great way to be in ritual together— if you’re feeling brave enough you can try saining (safely jumping over the fire)! Sunset yoga (including Sun Salutations perhaps) is also a wonderful solar activity to partake in.
7. Make flower essences - Again, if you’re a Spirit member you’ll know how much I love flower essences! Similar to foraging and crafting spells on this day, making flower essences today will be particularly powerful.
8. Bake - Typically plaited bread would be made on this day, you can also simply eat sunflower seeds! Hot things such as chilli, ginger, and pepper, as well as tomatoes, lemons, and oranges are also associated with the Sun. Of course, anything that is currently in season where you live is good!
9. Make a flower crown - Another simple, yet time-honoured ritual is to create a flower crown, perhaps as you are hosting your own bonfire for your loved ones. Other flowers related to the Sun include sunflowers (of course), daisies, and daffodils.
10. Leave an offering - This can be food, a (decomposable) object, coins, flowers, water, or anything else that calls to you. You can leave it on your windowsill, in your garden, or in nature. Simply leave it as an offering to the land, the Sun, or Solar deities such as Apollo, Helios, Sol, Brighid, Ra, Inti, and Huitzilopochtli.
So those are Summer Solstice rituals you can do to harness its power and honour this passage of time, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.
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