Characteristics of Archetypal Virgo


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Characteristics of Archetypal Virgo

Archetypal Virgo is a meticulous, perfectionistic Sign that seeks to improve with its keen eye for detail. Having a penchant for healing and betterment, it can easily spot the flaws and knows how to fix them. As the “editor” of the Zodiac, it can be prone to over-thinking, anxiety, worry, or nervous-tension.

Ruled by Mercury, the messenger, Virgo is an expert at taking in and dissecting information. Generally tending towards organisation and systematisation, it is also a Mutable Sign (coming at the end of the Season) and so able to bring about change and change its mind (although sticking with something long-term may be a challenge).

Ritual, crafts, and working with nature can be particularly well-aligned with this Sign, as well as health and wellness in general.

Characteristics of Virgo

Virgo is a Nocturnal, Mutable Earth Sign. Nocturnal Signs (Earth + Water) are more receptive and inward-facing. Mutable Signs are fluid and flexible. Earth Signs are grounded, pragmatic, practical, and realistic.

The Virgo archetype is often associated with the Harvest or Virgin Goddess, able to cultivate the fruits of their labour.

2nd Century Astrologer Vettius Valens says those born under the Sign of Virgo are:

“noble, modest, religious, burdened with care, leading a quite varied life, administrators of others’ goods, trusted, good stewards, secretaries, accountants, actors, practitioners of curious arts and seekers after mystic lore, spendthrifts in their early years but prosperous later in life.”


As Astrology is largely the study of the Planets, it can be useful to think about a Zodiac Sign through which Planets are comfortable and at home in them, and which ones struggle in their domain.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the fastest body (after the Moon) only able to move up to one Sign away from the Sun'; Hermes/Mercury was the messenger of the Gods, one of the only ones allowed to return from the Underworld. As such, it governs over communication, technology, travel, and divination. It was also a trickster God, thus rules over both thieves and scribes (as well as friendship and siblings).

As it is of no particular “Sect”, (nocturnal or diurnal) nor an express benefic or malefic but rather is neutral and influenceable by the Planets around it and whether it rises before or after the Sun (to the right or left of it respectively in an Astrology Chart). This mutability and gender-neutrality makes Mercurial energy hard to pin down, quickly keeping us on our toes.

Mercury is in its so-called “joy” in the 1st House (the Rising Sign), as this is the point where the Ascendant (horizon) line is— able to move above and below with ease. This is also one of the easiest Houses for self-expression and communication if Mercury is placed here!

Mercury is also exalted in Virgo, the only Sign where a Planet is both domiciled and exalted! As the Planet of facts, figures, data, and analysis, Mercury is particularly astute in meticulous, detail-oriented Virgo.

As Venus exalts in Pisces, it finds its fall in Virgo as it is the Sign opposite. Venus is the Planet of sweetness, connection, beauty, luxury, and connection— under a microscope and fine-toothed comb the illusion is broken! It’s hard to rest and enjoy something when all we can spot are the “imperfections” and what could be better.

Jupiter is also detrimented in Virgo as it is is the Traditional ruler of Pisces. Jupiter in Virgo can struggle to call upon its usual faith and trust— things that naturally require a lack of proof! Here, it can poke holes where none need be, don’t get lost in the fine print!

Continue reading for more details about the Zodiac Sign Virgo:


The Planets in Virgo

The Zodiac Seasons are governed by where the Sun currently is in the Zodiac belt (which is a division of the ecliptic— the apparent path of the Sun— into twelve equal Signs). When it is in the Sign of Virgo, we are collectively in Virgo Season.

This usually occurs roughly between the 22nd August - 21st September but depends on the day of the Equinox each year (which starts the Astrological cycle and is what the Tropical Zodiac Signs are based on— not the constellations as is commonly thought), the Sun spending roughly 30 days in each Sign thereafter, moving 1º a day.

In the Northern Hemisphere (which “Western” Astrology is developed on), Virgo Season comes at the end of summer, the first major harvest period. Here we are beginning to go back to work and school, reaping what we have sown and beginning the long wind-down period. After the fun and potential extravagance of Leo Season, now we begin to refine.

Virgo Season

During Virgo Season can be wonderful time to get organised in your life! Separate the wheat from the chaff and leave on the essentials, this is a minimalist Sign after all. It is also a great time to do a post-summer clear out and begin focussing on anything new you would like to learn, as well as bringing your attention to your health.

-> If you would like rituals and magick to connect to the energy of this period, get the Virgo Season Workbook (created for all Zodiac Signs)!

Of course, no Planet can be taken in isolation, but here is a brief overview:

Sun in Virgo

The Sun in Virgo is a devotional Sign, keen to be of service and seek the best. It is meticulous, detail-oriented, and strives for betterment and perfection. The Sun in Virgo is unassuming, attentive, and refined.

-> If you’re a Virgo, book in your Year Ahead Reading with me for details about what your Solar Return heralds for you!

Moon in Virgo

The Moon in Virgo needs to be needed and requires things to be done a certain way. It can have a love of organisation and keeping things feeling neat, tidy, and systematised can be greatly nourishing! Ritual and alternative healing modalities are also fulfilling.

Mercury in Virgo

Mercury in Virgo is strong and astute with a fine eye for detail, facts, figures, and data. It likes to dissect and analyse, able to take in vast amounts of information. In this, it can be prone to over-thinking!

Venus in Virgo

Venus in Virgo can have high beauty standards and struggle with anything deemed less-than-perfect. It typically has a more understated, minimalist, demure sense of style and attitude towards love and money.

Mars in Virgo

Mars in Virgo is precise actions— the surgeon’s scalpel. It takes curated, meticulous steps, not over-the-top, and detail-oriented. Mars in Virgo is less brash than other placements and prefers to think its action through.

Jupiter in Virgo

Jupiter in Virgo can struggle to call upon its usual faith and optimism, it can easily become demoralised due to lack of proof— allow yourself to believe, don’t get cynical! Its placement in your Chart can also speak to your Sagittarius and Pisces placements/Houses.

Saturn in Virgo

Saturn in Virgo values order, cleanliness, and tidiness, so much so that it can become stark and sterile. Don’t set your standards too high!

As another social Planet, along with Jupiter, people born within the same 2-3 years as you will have Saturn in Virgo— you can look to other placements for more personalised details (such as the House it is in, what aspects it is making, and the Capricorn/Aquarius Houses of your Chart, as well as where your Mercury is).


Virgo in the Astrological Houses

In each of our Natal Charts, Virgo will occupy a House (regardless of whether you have placements in Virgo or not), bringing its devotion, dedication, and meticulousness to this area of ourselves and life for us.

-> When a Planet enters Virgo, it is transiting this House for us, bringing its energy/action to this area of life (this is how all horoscopes are written)! To learn more about what the Planets have in store for you, get your Year Ahead Forecast!

Virgo in the 1st House - Virgo Rising

Virgo Risings can embody the quintessential Virgoan archetype— meticulous, refined, unassuming, organised, perfectionistic, and devotional. You may also have a youthful persona and appear younger than your age! Details and changeability may also be key features for you and how you show up in the world.

Virgo in the 2nd House - Leo Rising

With Virgo in the 2nd House you may have a minimalist taste and not be flashy with your money, although it can fluctuate. You may appreciate earning an income from multiple revenue streams and able to curate your finances with attention to detail.

Virgo in the 3rd House - Cancer Rising

Virgo in the 3rd House can give you an understated communication style and perfectionistic mindset— you want only the best! Your local community, neighbourhood, and relationship to siblings may also fluctuate.

Virgo in the 4th House - Gemini Rising

With Virgo in the 4th House you may have specific needs and requirements out of your living situation! You might need it to be minimalist, refined, and tidy. You may also appreciate changing things around (or moving).

Virgo in the 5th House - Taurus Rising

Virgo in the 5th House can have more understated pleasures, finding joy in the simple things. Ritual and nature can be particularly healing, and you may actually like cleaning for fun! Either way, health and wellness-related topics can also be key.

Virgo in the 6th House - Aries Rising

Virgo in the 6th House can seek perfectionistic daily rituals, routines, and work environment, you might have specific rules for how you like to structure your day. Either way, ensuring these are smooth, clean, and essential can be fulfilling.

Virgo in the 7th House - Pisces Rising

With Virgo in the 7th House you may be attracted to (or attract to you) partners that are unassuming, minimalist, attentive, and analytical. They can help you focus on the facts, figures, and date, bringing some organisation into your life.

Virgo in the 8th House - Aquarius Rising

With Virgo in the 8th House you might like your investments and joint ventures to be meticulously curated and analysed, no risky business here! You might like to devote to someone or something— make sure that standards of perfection aren’t set too high.

Virgo in the 9th House - Capricorn Rising

Virgo in the 9th House can bring a meticulous attitude towards spirituality, growth, learning, education, personal philosophy, religion, and beliefs. You don’t just believe in any old thing! These areas (including travel) need to be finely organised and fact-checked.

Virgo in the 10th House - Sagittarius Rising

Virgo in the 10th House can make you devotional, meticulous, and analytical in your professional life, seeking perfection in your career. Publicly you may come across as minimalist, understated, and organised.

Virgo in the 11th House - Scorpio Rising

With Virgo in the 11th House can make you prefer a variety of friends with whom you can converse and feel devoted to, as well as have a sense of improvement and betterment with— make sure advice is asked for before being given!

Virgo in the 12th House - Libra Rising

Virgo in the 12th House can make perfectionism the cause of your own downfall. Don’t over-analyse your dreams, subconscious, intuition, or spirituality— allow yourself to believe.

During Virgo Season is a particularly yin time for you of turning within and tending to your mental health and solitude.


So that’s a brief overview of the characteristics of archetypal Virgo, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

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