An Overview Of 7th House Astrology


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An Overview Of 7th House Astrology

The seventh House represents our intimate, one-on-one important relationships, this can include our spouse as well as our therapist, private clients or business partnerships. This House rules over who we are attracted to and who we attract to us, it governs everything from what we need from a romantic relationship and our relationship style, to how we are with our business partners and customers and our requirements from them in return.

If you are interested in learning more specifically about romantic relationships, I would look to your 7th House Sign, its ruling Planet, and any Planets contained therein, as well as the fifth House (Sign, ruling Planet, and Planets in it), and where your Venus is too.

If you wanted to know more about your needs in business relationships, you can also look to the tenth house, second house, and sixth house. You can read more about the Houses in general here.

For more information about what you can look for in a best friend, you can also add in the eleventh house in your interpretations.

PLEASE NOTE: The rest of this is a guest post and does not necessarily reflect my own personal Astrological philosophy! If you would like to see my perspective, you can read through my other posts here.


The 7th House in Astrology

The 7th house is the house of relationships. This house is ruled by the planet Venus, which governs how you relate to others, how you interact with others in your intimate relationships, and how you behave and act in marriage. In addition, Libra, the sign of peace, balance, and beauty, rules the 7th house, and simultaneously, how balanced you are and how you seek out peace and inner happiness is shown by the 7th house. 

The 1st house rules your identity, how you stand on your own feet, and how you see yourself as an individual. On the opposite side of the first house, is the 7th house. The 7th house governs how you see yourself in relationships, how your identity is shaped around your relationships with others, and how dependent you are on others for your happiness and self-worth.

  • The Descendant

The 7th house cusp also marks your descendant sign. Your descendant is one of the four angular points on your natal chart, and it sits opposite your ascendant, or rising sign, which is the 1st house cusp. Your ascendant indicates how others view you. You might not always be aware of the habits, traits, and qualities you project onto others. The ascendant is the image you show; it is what others see when interacting with you. 

On the other hand, the descendant governs how you see others. This point also indicates the identity you create when you merge yourself with another. The person you become in an intimate relationship differs from the person others see daily.

  • What if your 7th House is Empty?

Regardless of whether your 7th house contains planets or not, the sign on the 7th house cusp will indicate the type of partner you prefer and how you act in your relationships. How you communicate with others in intimate relations is also displayed here.

Even if your 7th house is empty in your natal chart, it will not always remain empty. Transiting planets move in and out of the 7th house all the time, and when this happens, you can expect many different events and changes to occur in the relationship sector of your life.

  • 7th House Zodiac Signs:

The sign that lays on your 7th house cusp indicates your relationship personality. To find out what sign governs your 7th house, search for a free birth chart generator online or book in a birth chart reading.

Aries on the 7th House Cusp

If you have Aries on the 7th house cusp, you expect independence in a relationship. Codependency in a relationship can be off-putting, and you believe you and your partner need to resolve your emotional insecurities separately.

Taurus on the 7th House Cusp

With Taurus on the 7th house cusp, you need a partner with resources that can provide safety and security. You avoid partners who have their heads in the clouds and want someone mature and stable.

Gemini on the 7th House Cusp

Communication is crucial in a relationship. You want to be in contact with your partner all the time and want to know everything they are thinking and feeling and will feel unsettled if they hide things from you.

Cancer on the 7th House Cusp

Emotional intimacy is important to you. It would help if you had a partner who would allow you to talk freely about your emotions, fears, and worries and not make it difficult to be emotionally raw and vulnerable.

Leo on the 7th House Cusp

A partner who is proud of you is what you need. Avoid partners who are overly critical or might make you feel inferior or insecure. Your ideal partner is someone who shows you to the world with endless pride and appreciation.

Virgo on the 7th House Cusp

Order and structure are essential to you. Your ideal partner is someone who will accept your need for routine and help create a life that is free of chaos and stress. In addition, finding someone who understands how to work with constructive criticism is beneficial.


Libra on the 7th House Cusp

You wish to create a life around your relationship and need a partner who is willing to always be present and attentive toward you. Doing things alone is not enjoyable for you, and partnering up with someone with similar interests and who wants to spend most of their time with you is ideal.

Scorpio on the 7th House Cusp

It would help if you had a partner who is not an open book but has an air of mystery. Someone who can keep you guessing is perfect, as you love to unfold the many layers that expose the unknown elements of your partner.

Sagittarius on the 7th House Cusp

You love being around people who have a sense of adventure. Your partner must be willing to go on risky adventures with you that get your adrenaline pumping, or you might think they are boring. 

Capricorn on the 7th House Cusp

A partner who is of high social standing is important to you. It would help if you were with someone ambitious, driven, and who knows how to succeed. Someone who is highly successful and takes a lot of pride in what they do is perfect for you.

Aquarius on the 7th House Cusp

You need a partner who is a humanitarian and has a heart of gold. Someone open, accepting, and loving toward everyone is ideal. You will meet many odd and interesting characters in your life, and someone who will accept and be accommodating to your weird and wonderful friends is perfect.

Pisces on the 7th House Cusp

Sensitivity and compassion in a partner are crucial to you. You love to be with someone who doesn't take life too seriously and prefers to enjoy the joys of each moment. Someone who believes anything is possible is ideal, even if reality makes life difficult.

You can learn more about each sign specifically here: Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces.

Planets In The 7th House:

Planets in your 7th house impact how you relate to others in relationships. To find out if you have planets in your 7th house, search for a free natal chart generator online or book a reading.

Sun in the 7th House

Your relationships with others shape a big part of your identity. You do not like being single, and you usually have a partner or many partners throughout your life. It is easier for you to be yourself, be happy, and accomplish your goals when there is someone else to bounce ideas off of.

Moon in the 7th House

You are deeply emotionally invested in your relationships and do not take love lightheartedly. It is easy to sustain an intense emotional connection with your partner, and you have powerful intuition when it comes to those you love.

Mercury in the 7th House

You are always thinking about love. When in a relationship, your partner takes up your whole mind space, and you constantly pursue love when single. Making decisions can be difficult for you, and you need assurance from others before taking action.

Venus in the 7th House

You are likely blessed with physical beauty, and your gracious aura naturally attracts people toward you. As a result, there will be no lack of romantic partners in your life, as it can be easy for others to fall in love with you.

Mars in the 7th House

Everything you do revolves around your relationship. If you could, you would spend your whole life doing things with or for your partner. You always prioritize your relationship, and put everything else in life on pause when your partner needs you.

Jupiter in the 7th House

Relationships bring you a lot of luck and opportunity. Your partners will take you to many exciting places, expose you to fascinating stories, and expand your perception of life. You can grow much more when in a relationship, as good fortune always seems to strike you and your lover.

Saturn in the 7th House

You have a pre-set list of expectations when it comes to relationships. It would help if you had a mature and serious-minded partner. Someone willing to follow a strict set of rules regarding how the relationship should function is ideal for you.

Uranus in the 7th House

Your love life is never stable. Unexpected events and circumstances constantly plague you. It can be challenging to rely on or trust someone, as life can quickly change, causing you to lose someone you have invested your heart in.

Neptune in the 7th House

It can be difficult for you to see the reality of who your partner is. You prefer to wear rose-colored glasses instead of facing reality, which can cause you alot of heartache. On the other hand, seeing the best in people and encouraging this allows you to bring out the best in your partners.

Pluto in the 7th House

Relationships can be intense, there is depth and ability for potent transformation, but also the potential for power dynamics. You might have faced some traumatic event in a relationship in the past and as a result, you might have constant anxiety or fears surrounding intimacy, be skeptical, and find it hard to trust those you love.


So that’s an overview of seventh House Astrology, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any other questions. If you would like me to personally interpret your Birth Chart for you, book in a 1:1 session with me!

And to uncover the secrets of the cosmos yourself, get my Traditional Astrology 101 course! Or to self-study, get our Beginner’s Astrology Guidebook. For more monthly Astro + Tarot magic- join me in the Spirit Subscription

Guest post author’s Bio:
Leah Goldberg is a psychic, tarot card reader, and an in-house professional astrologer for
SVANA. She wrote the monthly Horoscope column for Glamour Magazine for 7 years and has been on the radio. She has studied Astrology for almost 30 years, modern, medieval and evolutionary, and tries to help people connect with their soul's journey in this lifetime. Her specialty is relationship astrology, and she is quite an expert at it, having written over 30 eBooks on the subject as a ghostwriter. Leah is busy working on her own Astrology book at the moment!