The Meaning Of Your Solar Return Chart

A Solar Return chart is an astrological forecasting technique used for assessing the potential themes and general feel of your next solar year, i.e. birthday year (from one birthday to the next). They are usually cast on your birthday, solar returns are the moment the Sun returns to its natal degree, which can actually be the day before or after your birthdate), but they can also be done retrospectively as well once you are already part-way into your next birthday year if you would like insight into the unfolding of the rest of the year.

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How To Read Secondary Progressions

Secondary progressions, sometimes called secondary directions or a-day-for-a-year progressions, is a predictive Astrology method of “progressing” or, in a sense, maturing your Natal Chart to see how it has evolved from when you were born. It is done by moving your chart forward by one day for every one year of life, so the 30 days after you were born would reflect your first 30 years of life.

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How To Read Lenormand Cards

Lenormand cards are simpler than Tarot cards in their interpretation, offering more concise and direct answers, but no less informative! They are read in card combinations to form sentences, a minimum Lenormand reading would require 2 cards, but three is the usual customary. Although their individual meanings are less detailed and nuanced, the method of reading Lenormand can get significantly more complex!

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Planetary Dignities And Joys

The essential Planetary dignities help to construct an Astrological picture of how well a Planet is performing, how comfortable it is, and the extent to which it can express its strength (or weaknesses) based on its placement in the Zodiac Signs. They are a construct of ancient Hellenistic Astrology largely defined by Ptolemy. The Planetary joys are House placements where the Planets are particularly happy and can also add another layer of detail to our analysis.

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An Overview Of 8 Astrology House Systems

Astrology House systems are methods for dividing up the sky into a Natal Chart to be interpreted. They take the sky as a 360º whole and use different calculations of division to get the Astrological Houses, cusps, and other important points. The Babylonians may have been the first to set out the concept of House division, using Whole Sign Houses. There are at least 20 different Astrology House systems created, in this post I will discuss 8 of the most popular versions in use today.

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How To Read Your Astrocartography Chart

Astrocartography, sometimes known as astrogeography, locational Astrology, or relocation Astrology; is the art of delineating what a certain place will feel like for you based on your personal Natal Chart placements. By seeing which Planetary lines cross where, you can determine what kind of experiences will be activated when you visit or live in these places.

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